Palestinian: A People Or A Marketing Term?
After today’s literal fall from grace in the eyes of God Almighty due to President Obama betraying the nation and people of Israel, the social media outlets blew up like wildfire! There were so many tweets coming through that I literally could not keep up with them. I re-tweeted many, I posted many, I wrote an article… in the midst of all of this, my heart was literally breaking for this once great nation. Yes, I say once great nation, because we will fall quickly by taking a national stand against God’s chosen people!
One tweet came across that caught my eye and I retweeted it. I’ve thought long and hard on it throughout the afternoon. It is my firm belief that this tweet is absolute truth. However, I think it is very important to lay out some facts to prove it as truth.
The tweet was sent by Hope d’Amore :
“PALESTINIAN” is a marketing term. YRU calling 4 creation of a nation out of whole cloth? The ISRAELITES WERE THERE 1k yrs BC.
As I began researching this topic for actual facts I found an abundance of half-truths woven in with outright lies.
We have reached yet another milestone in our day and age with technology that was foretold in prophecy thousands of years ago.
But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.” Daniel 12:4
It does not take a genius to realize that we have reached the time that God speaks of to Daniel in this passage. On a minute-by-minute basis people all around the world are “going here and there” by way of planes, trains and automobiles.
We now have the sum of human knowledge at our fingertips in the Internet.
However, knowledge does not necessarily mean it is truth. Just because it is written or spoken does not mean that it is fact. I can tell you that the grass is blue but that does not make it so. There are just some things that go beyond simple “perception”. defines “propaganda” as:
1. information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.
2. the deliberate spreading of such information, rumors, etc.
3. the particular doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement.
This is exactly what I have found in doing my research. I had just about decided I was going to have to go to the actual brick and mortar building of my local library to find some history books to give facts for this article. While I have numerous writings here at home I do not have exactly what I am looking for and need for this article. That will change, as more than ever before I want to make I am armed with the facts of Israel in history. Facts…. not opinions or perceptions- or propaganda.
So much of what I found is nothing but outright propaganda.
What is being spread by the liberal main (lame) stream media today is an organized idea spread world-wide to harm- or their ultimate goal- kill the people of Israel.
It’s very interesting how the physical world is so intertwined with the spiritual world- so much so that we do not even realize it! What we are witnessing is what has been going on for thousands of years. We have a ring-side seat to one of the largest spiritual battles of all time. It is a battle between good and evil.
God’s Word tells us that Satan is the “Father of lies”:
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
So it only makes sense that this spiritual war is being waged with outright lies.
I finally found this website that answers this question: “Are the Palestinians Descendants of Jews who Converted to Islam?” by Dr. Rivka Shpak Lissak.
The popaganda that is addressed at the very beginning is:
“…that the present Jews are not the descendants of the ancient Jews who lived in the land of Israel 2,000 years ago but descendants of coverts. Since they are Jews by religion, but not by ethnicity, they have no rights for a state on this land, and the Arabs who have lived year for generations are the true owners of this land.”
Dr. Lissak calls it was it is from the very beginning- propaganda. Just because people world wide are propagating this idea as fact does not make it true. You can call a monkey an elephant but that doesn’t make it so!
Rather than quoting half of the information from this website, I urge you to go to the site and read word for word what the truth- the history- the actual FACTS are! There are additional links on the bottom of the page that will give you much more information. In fact, I will be spending a great deal of time in the coming days combing through this site and reading as much information as I can find.
This quote sums up the true purpose of the propaganda and those who spread the lies about Israel:
“The Arabic- Palestinian narrative as well as Zands’ thesis are efforts to rewrite history for political considerations: To eliminate the Jewish state.
The thesis of this article is that there is no evidence that thousands of Jews converted to Islam.”
You cannot get more clear than that!
I cannot speak for every word on the site, but I have not yet found anything that causes my alarm bells to go off. And believe me, after the research I’ve delved into today and into this evening, warning bells have not stopped going off in my head!
Ultimately, The Holy Bible is THE ONLY TRUTH there is! However, history proves God’s Word is Truth. Facts, not propaganda, are what we must stand for.
There is one misconception among many for those who do not support Israel in regards to how they view those of us who do stand with Israel. It is often “understood” that by supporting and standing with Israel that we choose to look past the things that the people of Israel- the Jews- have done wrong. This is simply not true. We are all human. We all fail at one point or another… most of us at least one time a day if not more! None of us are perfect! However, to expect the people of Israel to not protect themselves from the continuous onslaught of violence is ridiculous!
The “Palestinian” propaganda has served to twist facts- changing them completely in many instances.
This site- The Bible On Jewish Links to the Holy Land – is one that I found the most informative for what I wanted for this article. Remember what I said- The Bible is THE source of Truth that we must base all of our arguments on. Abraham was promised the land of Israel by God Almighty Himself almost 4,000 years ago. Here is a quote from this site that debunks the propaganda of “Palestine”:
“Israel is known by a number of names, including Canaan, Eretz Yisrael, Zion, or simply as ha-aretz, meaning “the land,” a sign of its belovedness and significance. It is the Holy Land, par excellence. God promised Abraham that he and his descendants would inherit the land of Israel as an eternal possession.”
I went to dozens of websites researching this topic, and time after time the land was referred to as “Palestine”. Palestine is NOT one of the names that the Holy Land is called! God promised the Holy Land- Israel (ie Canaan, Eretz Yisrael, Zion, ha-aret, the land) to Abraham and his descendants as an ETERNAL possession! To use more common words to make this crystal clear for those who refuse to accept this fact:
God promised the Holy Land- Israel- to Abraham and his descendants- the Jewish people- FOREVER!
If this is still not clear enough, I invite you to visit the to see the other synonyms listed for eternal.
The propaganda machines can deny it all they like, but again, just because something is said or written doesn’t make it fact. You have to have FACTS to back up your argument.
This fact alone makes the argument
“Jewish rights to the land were always part of the very fabric of Creation.”
Of course I know there are those who will say that is not true, but facts are facts. We know that this is fact rather than propaganda because
“the Hebrew verb used in the Scriptures is natati, meaning “I have given” (past tense). This passage implies that God had already given the land to the Jews at some earlier time, though this is the first record of such a promise. Rabbinic commentators suggest, however, that God had set aside the land of Israel for His people already at the time of Creation.”
Language is a funny thing. It is factual. There have been movies made in foreign languages that are no longer spoken (“The Passion of The Christ” and “Apocalypto” to name two of them). How do we know that the words that were spoken in the movie were of the specific language of the time recreated on film? Simple. Facts. You cannot argue with facts.
I could spend the rest of my life writing on this topic, but I would simply be quoting other people. I am no scholar- Biblical or otherwise. But I do know fact from propaganda.
Israel belongs to the Jewish people- descendants of Abraham.
Twist the facts or lie if you will… that does not make it true.
Israel- and I mean ALL of Israel as outlined in the Bible, and represented by this map, belongs to the Jewish people!

Another Great Source of Facts: Israel’s Legal Right To The Land
Jews have a legitimate claim to the whole of Israel. They are not the “occupying force” as misinformation suggests.
Zephaniah 2:8-11
“ I have heard the reproach of Moab,
And the insults of the people of Ammon,
With which they have reproached My people,
And made arrogant threats against their borders.
Therefore, as I live,”
Says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel,
“ Surely Moab shall be like Sodom,
And the people of Ammon like Gomorrah—
Overrun with weeds and saltpits,
And a perpetual desolation.
The residue of My people shall plunder them,
And the remnant of My people shall possess them.”
This they shall have for their pride,
Because they have reproached and made arrogant threats
Against the people of the LORD of hosts.
The LORD will be awesome to them,
For He will reduce to nothing all the gods of the earth;
People shall worship Him,
Each one from his place,
Indeed all the shores of the nations.
I used to watch Zola Levite, and I enjoyed his teachings about ancient Jewish life, the kind of life Jesus Himself lived, and even further back as Jesus himself was living on the history of the Jewish people who lived on the Earth before Christ was born. Of course I speak of the man Jesus not as the true Son of God. But history does not lie, nor can PLO lies make it go away.
I have been very interested in the archiology done by Israeli’s under the Temple Mount and what they have found, that is of course until here lately when the Arabs made them shut the dig down….again. What do they fear? I’ll tell you what they fear, they fear the truth about the Israeli people who lived in THEIR land for ages long before there were enough Arab people living to call themselves a people. And the Arabs don’t want the Israeli’s to leak out any word on the dig proving that temples had been built on that sight thousands of years before Arabs ever step foot in Israel. And the Arabs are afraid of what their people will do if they see with their own eyes the proof that the murderer Muhammed was not who he says he was, was never there, was never taken anywhere, and did not ever see God until the moment after he died, and never got anything from God that Muhammed could carry to his murderous people for them to live by. Of course this is why the Arabs won’t allow any further digging under the Temple Mount, and it’s because we are very near to the end, I mean we are starting the build up to the time when God’s word will be revealed.
I have written the former Prime Minister of Israel and got a very nice letter back from him. I will cherish that letter all my life because it is a letter of faith and strength that all the Israeli people possess. I just hope that I can be half as strong as that man. And I mean Arial Sheron. It’s late at night and I’m sitting here and I hope I have written the right name. He is a conservative and was the Prime Minister back in the early 2000’s. Now, that I’m writing, I would have to do some digging in my records to be absolutely sure, but I feel certain that who it was. I never thought I would ever hear from such a great man, but about three weeks I got this letter from Israel. I took it up to a Jewish temple and the Rabi happen to be there. I don’t know this man, but I felt if anyone would know it would be him. I wanted him to read the address on the envelope and determine if it came from some government office or if it by some miricle actually came from the Prime Minister. Sure enough, as the Rabi was so surprised to tell me that the letter had come from his private residence. I let him read the letter and the Rabi said that it had been written by one of his staff, but the Rabi said he was sure that the staffer was writing as it was being dictated to him by the Prime Minister himself.
I believe that God allowed me, who is no one from no where would receive a letter from such a great man, who had seen, and been part of the rebirth of Israel. But I praise God’s name for it and as a gift I will cherish it for all my life.
But what this little story proves is that miricles still happen even through a simple letter from a simple man to a great man. But courage comes from a heart that seeks the truth and will not accept lies. I hate liars. Just like I have told my son that a liar is a person who you cannot ever trust, because how can you ever trust he is telling you the truth? A liar can’t be trusted. And I have met some people who the truth was not in them, and it’s a very scarry thing to realize that of someone you thought you could trust. Trust these days is more precious that gold. And we cannot trust Obama, the liberals who lie to cover they are Socialists, and the PLO are the children of Satan. I know that it is ego on my part, but I hope I live long enough to see these people punished. I want to see the look on their faces when they realize the truth, and the lies they lived, and how much blood is on their hands.