Obama Gets Testy in Tense Texas Interview [Video]
On Monday afternoon, President Obama sat for an interview with a reporter from a North Texas television station. For once, an interviewer asked tough questions and even corrected the President when he got the facts wrong.
The interviewer first put the President on the defensive when he asked him why he thought is poll numbers were so low in Texas. In a not-so-calm fashion, Obama tried to make the illogical and unsupported case that Texas just might be on the verge of turning into a liberal state:
“Texas has always been a pretty Republican state, for historic reasons..” The President continued, “We lost by a few percentage points in Texas..”
The interviewer corrected Obama as the loss in Texas was closer to 11%. Not accustomed to being challenged and perhaps to save face, the President retorted, “If what you’re telling me is Texas is a conservative state, you’re absolutely right,” he said. It is still unclear what the “historic” reason is for Texas being a red state.
As the interview continued, the interviewer asked if the fact that Texas wasn’t given one of the retired space shuttle orbiters was politically motivated.
“That’s wrong, that had nothing to do with it; the White House had nothing to do with it. There was a whole commission, a whole process; that’s how the decision was made.”
After the interview was completed and the President thought that the cameras were off, he let the interviewer know that Barack Obama does not like being challenged, at all.
“Let me finish my answers the next time we do an interview, all right?”
Here are the highlights of the interview:
That is testy? Are you retarded?
What is it with you liberals and retarded person comments? Is he testy? Sure, if you watch the video, he is visibly flustered, but if you think he looks calm, cool and collected… you are entitled to your opinion – blinders and all.
Wait was that Sean Hannity doing the interview? Because when Obama is composed and not emotional, the spin is he doesn’t care—-when he asks for time to respond to a question he is testy—–I guess Obama could have said he cut the Repub victory margin by one half since Bush won Texas by 22%. interestingly, Clinton lost TX by only 5%. Obama’s problem is he is too objective. None of the states run by Republican Gov’s would have a balanced budget without federal assistance. He should say it every day.
Wow. Mr. Cool sure got rattled. His final comment was not called for. He should have shown some class and thanked the reporter for the tough interview. His comment reminded me of a testy Nixon.
Wait a minute, the whole thing is a hoax! If you pay attention, there is two cameras. Right when Obama is unleashing his rant he is actually pressing his lapel microphone shut with his left hand. Then the behind camera kicks in and we see Obama waving his left arm up and down, right at the same moment! How could this be. Obviously a montage! If you pay attention and can lip read what Obama ACTUALLY says you can tell he says “watch: this is the last stand of the Texas red-neck”. Talk of racist!
lol.. conspiracy theory much?
You actually have a point. Whatever Obama is saying is not being broadcast because he cover his microphone. The line about letting him answer his questions is being ‘pasted’ on. Am not sure he actually said anything related “red-necks” though. Also, 7 interviews, 7 minutes…!! Interview from the “map” (read ‘war’) room. THe whole thing seems scripted
Answering the question regarding the politics behind the Shuttle orbiters, he says ” I had nothing to do with it” and then he kicks in an old ebonics trick when he says “the White House non got noth’g to do widdit” which is a double negation