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Is the Next Libyan Dictator Mahmoud Jibril?

Pictured at left is interim Prime Minister of Libya, Mahmoud Jibril (courtesy of Vincent Kessler/ Reuters.)  He was originally educated in Egypt and then later received his PhD  from The University of Pittsburgh. He is also a former member of Khadafy’s  regime who was working with his son Saif on economic reforms in Libya. While in college Jibril studied under a former U.S. intelligence official in Iran, one Richard Cottam, who later on became a political scientist who’s specialty was the Middle East.  That is a very interesting combination of skills we see there, politics, intelligence, and science. At this point one has to wonder if the intelligence agency employing Mr. Cottam wasn’t the infamous CIA.

When looking at the volatile situations across the Middle East and North Africa today, we hear very little about CIA involvement, but make no mistake, these types of situations have always involved the CIA, in one way or another. Therefore, I find it very interesting how a former Khadafy regime member who was schooled by a U.S, intelligence operative and political-science master has become the  *Interim Prime Minister of Libya* today with obvious American Leftist support.  At least we now know who our Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was talking to, when she stated she was in serious talks with the Libyan rebels who had yet to be identified by the rest of the world.  While this guy appears to come out of nowhere, his background proves that he has deep ties to certain American factions, most notably our most left-leaning politicians. Take note to date, that Mr. Jibril has yet to meet with the third most powerful representative of the American people,  the Speaker of the House, Republican John Boehner.  Thus the numerous serious questions about our true agenda in engaging in the Libyan civil war illegally.  To get  Congressional approval for the Libyan war action, it would have to go through the Republican controlled House of Representatives, so President Obama just bypassed that Constitutional mandate completely.  So much for real democracy in America today.

Another interesting fact is that while studying in the United States, Mr. Jibril, who in fact went by the name Mahmoud Gebril ElWarfally when he lived in the United States, is in many ways an unlikely leader of rebellion. Also of note is that Mr. Jibril has problems spelling his own name properly or consistently, as in his own company in which he is the President, ” Gebril for Training and Consultancy.” Americans do not trust people who change their identities  in an attempt to hide their past actions, just look at Barry Seotoro, AKA  Barack Hussein Obama, for a good example of that.  Add in the fact that he has been mentored by a U. S.  intelligence operative, and had initially only been talked to by leftist Democrats John Kerry and Hillary Clinton when this whole charade started, and we see a distinct pattern emerging in the Libyan Civil War scenario.

Mr. Jibril , aka Mr. ElWarfally, has some interesting plans for Libya, which include nationalizing the oil industry, drafting a new Libyan constitution, and starting a new Central Bank, similar to what Mr. Hugo Chavez has done in Venezuela. Mr. Jibril also has visions of  installing a new television station in rebel-held territory,  while calling for the dismantling of Khadafy’s own television stations.  To deny anyone, even a ruthless dictator, the right to defend himself in the free speech arena is a very troubling sign indeed. Those plans are more  in line with installing a Socialistic Dictatorship than a true Democracy.

We also see what happens when the United States enters into a Civil war that is none of our business and becomes responsible for meeting the demands of the ragtag rebels seeking to overthrow Khadafy. To keep the rebellion afloat, opposition members are seeking aid including heavy artillery, cash, and the jamming of Khadafy’s television channels. Gene Cretz, the US ambassador to Libya, said his team is still deliberating what kind of support to offer the rebels as it tries to figure out exactly who all the people on the interim council are.

Will Libya end up being a true Democracy when this all plays out, or will it still be in the hands of just another Dictator similar to Khadafy?

Update 1: If you thought it was a conspiracy theory in the connection of Jibril/Libya war to the CIA here, check this out: Covert action coming.

Update 2:  NATO takes over air operations as CIA works the ground in Libya https://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/africa/03/31/libya.war/

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. Read much? Everything there is sooo hysterical that it is backed up by facts.

    Of course trolls don’t bother to read the article when bashing people for putting out the facts. Such as the CIA is now on the ground in Libya and has been for a while, LOL Ya thats some serious drivel, slick.

  2. Please provide citations.

    I don’t see a single source besides “Reuters”, which is in reference to the picture.

    1. 2 links at bottom of article prove the CIA connection made was 100% fact. Do you now know the John Kerry and Hillary met with him in Egypt? Its common news, reported even on MSM leftist promoting stations. It isnt too hard to check things by just putting this man’s name in your browser like this link


      The fact is that this article exposed some solid background on the U.S. backed “interim Prime Minister of Libya” and CIA ties to the whole Libyan Civil war issue.Also is the fact that the author did it BEFORE the CIA was ever mentioned in ANY news outlets. That is called digging my friend. Can’;t question credibility when this information gets proven to be 100% correct, even in the lamestream news outlets many days later.

  3. The real answer is to answer the question by the Libyan people is … Because you do not believe in freedom of peoples.

  4. We, Libyan people, know that this man is not good for many reasons that are so clear to every one in Libya. The problem is that it was clear from the beginning that somebody from outside is supporting him, and if it was the US, this is another problem!!!

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