Wisconsin on Fire: Budget Protest Updates
As most of us here in America know, the Wisconsin Unions are protesting Governor Scott Walker’s proposed State budget, in which he is asking for Union members to contribute more to their own healthcare premiums and pensions. The Union thuggery in conjunction with certain Media members, has some real tall tales being told about the facts here. They are also adding fuel to the fire so to speak, as these false headlines are misinforming people and could end up complicit in causing rioting that could end in violence or even death. Wisconsin is burning right now, and some of these people seem hell bent of stoking the fire.
Lets examine some of the headlines and see just who is stoking this fire. Here is a lovely lie being shouted as a headline over at The Nation* by one John Nichols, who deems himself such an important fire stoker, that he even puts his picture above this headline: (link provided below)
Tens of Thousands Protest Move by Wisconsin’s Governor to Destroy Public Sector Unions*
Someone needs to ask this pot stirrer if he understands what may happen when uninformed people take this headline seriously. Destroy public Unions? How is asking them to contribute 12.4% to their premium State Health Insurance destroying them? They now pay under 5%. The average private sector worker pays well over 20%, so why is this such an outrageous request here? Just because Union bullying, in conjunction with past Democratic cronyism for votes throughout Wisconsin’s history has let this imbalance get out of control to the point of State insolvency , doesn’t make it right. Destroying Unions? Governor Walker is also asking Union members to pay half of their pension contributions. This would bring them into the range of the private sector workers. Since when are State Union workers worth so much more than the very people who are paying their salaries? Newsflash: they aren’t as productive, therefore they should be making less in pay and benefits, not more, period. Back to Mr. Nichols here. Destroying Unions? Wisconsin has a 3.6 billion dollar hole in it’s budget, and if it isn’t fixed soon, the whole State will be bankrupt and then workers who have put in 30 years will be left with nothing in the way of pensions. Walker is trying to save the Unions jobs here. If the budget isn’t balanced soon, there will be layoffs. That is the simple reality here, which Mr. Nichols chooses to ignore. When seeing inflammatory headlines based on a flat out lie, we must always question with boldness and consider the source of any information.
Mr. Nichols is a highly paid operative for the Progressive Party and the DNC. Their agendas are as entwined as a rat snake wrapped around a rabbit.
Mr Nichols has also been involved with writing a few books. The titles alone are all-telling: The Genius of Impeachment and The Death and Life of Great American Journalism: The Media Revolution That Will Begin the World Again. Lots of revolutionary death and anarchy in his headlines and titles there. This man is some sort of Anarchist looking for the next riot-starter if you look at his prior writing. Here’s a few more facts about Mr. Nichols. He contributes to The Progressive and is a co-founder of the 100% Progressive Free Press. Under the disguise of Democracy, Mr. Nichols is making a hell of a living pimping the Progressive agenda, while creating false headlines like the one above. The only problem with the title of his “Free Press” is that they sem to think that only people that should be allowed to speak their minds are progressive operatives such as himself. They allow practically zero “Free Press” when it comes to any opposition speak. They call this type of people hypocrites where I come from.
The false message and flat out lies about Governor Walker’s budget plan can be seen in many other leftist-Union supporting sites and supposed news articles. The Huffington Post, ( which lapped up 1 million dollars from the king of revolutionary progressivism one Geroge Soros recently) has an inflammatory headline stating that the Wisconsin Protests are “intensifying.” As Glenn beck has told the world, this is called “nudging” the ignorants towards a quasi-revolt/riot. The Huffington Post also provides a link to another fear-monger headline based on a lie: ” Rev. Al Sharpton: Labor Movements Under Attack in Madison, Wisconsin – Republican Governor Scott Walker is wasting time attacking working folks instead of seeking honest, sustainable solutions to his budget shortfalls. It is a con game, pure and simple.” The worst race-baiting con artist to ever walk the earth, and who also has the nerve to call himself “The Great Reverend Al Sharpton” is now calling Governor Walker a con man. My that’s rich! Notice the use of the word attackthere in his headline. Violence-promoting, irresponsible headlines across the spectrum of the left for all to see.
The picture on the left here shows Governor Walker appearing to ask just what do you people want me to do here? The Wisconsin State Constitution contains a clause that requires a balanced budget, period. He is trying to obey the law in balancing said budget. In a totally Democratic State that has seen the past Governor and State legislature ignore the rule of law to the point of a 3.6 billion dollar budget shortfall, how is Walker to blame here? Walker was elected to shore up Wisconsin’s budget shortfall and to try to install some fiscal sanity into a situation that was largely caused by an insane bunch of Democrats buying votes with taxpayer dollars through Union cronyism for decades. When these Union members say they have a right to these huge benefit packages, in a way they do. Why would i say that? Because these same Unions are political vote buying schemes today, largely for the Democratic Party. For decades, Unions bought elections for Democrats, and the those same Democrats handed Union members the payback of huge pension benefits with very little member contributions. Same thing with how much they pay for their health insurance. So for years Unions have been paying for their members bloated benefits through the Democratic Party. Now Union members think they are “owed” these fiscally impossible huge pay and benefit packages. Only one problem. The people paying for all of this insanity are the taxpayers and they spoke up in 2010 and said enough is enough! In comes a fiscally conservative Republican Governor who actually takes a realistic look at the budget and sees that spending has to be brought under control. Wisconsin votes also had the smarts to elect Republican majorities in the Senate and House. Now, the people in charge don’t “owe” the Unions anything. This is how a true Democracy is supposed to operate. Walker is bound by law to balance the budget, and he is going to do it for all the people of Wisconsin, not just bow to Union thuggery while ignoring the majority of the people.
One last observation here. yesterday. Police were trying to locate the Democrats who by law are required to do their jobs and vote on this budget proposal. It will pass, make no questions about that. Here is what is really all-telling about why I think they ran and hid like children. If I was facing a mob, borderline riot, that was stirred up by Union operatives and paid media cronies to a fever pitch, I wouldn’t want to be one of the few remaining Democrats there, who these Union members feel “owe” them these bloated salaries and benefits plans, when this budget gets passed. Is it any wonder why Wisconsin Democrats cut and run like a bunch of cowards here? Sooner or later the people of Wisconsin are going to want their voices heard here too. It is just that they have been out working to pay for this circus, aand can’t take days off of work to march on the Capitol. Kind of strange to see teachers who refuse to work, thus causing the schools to close, while at the same time calling themselves dedicated teachers. If you care about the education of the students, you would be in the classroom, not prohibiting your state capitol from functioning as per the rule of law. Do your job Governor Walker, and thank you for serving notice to the rest of the States facing this kind of problems while looking at their own budgets this year. Someone had to have the courage to take the first step here, and you and the Wisconsin people are owed a debt of gratitude for facing down the harsh realities of the fiscal insanities brought to us by the leftist Unions and their pals, the Liberal Democrats.
UPDATE: Michelle Malkin provides us with the shocking complete stats on Union salaries here: https://michellemalkin.com/2011/02/17/watch-wisconsin-part-iv-the-salary-info-big-labor-doesnt-want-you-to-see/
Thanks, CDN, for keeping me informed. You are one important source for tracking the results of statists attempts to destroy the Republic.
Thank you M. Gleason for checking us out here.
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