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Patriot Act Extension Passed in House

       The lovely couple on the left, (pun intended) are the Rosenbergs. The picture was taken in 1953, shortly before they were executed in Sing Sing prison for selling atomic secrets to the Soviet Union. The Rosenbergs were also proud members of The  U.S Communist Party. Oh, the good old days when Anti-American Communists spewing Socialist propaganda were dealt with swiftly and decisively. As we discuss The Patriot Act extension passing the house yesterday, we must fondly remember the Rosenbergs and how they exemplified the Communist Party USA and the dangers posed in letting them go unchecked in America today. For those of you too young, or too indoctrinated by the American education system today, that think it is cool to wear Che and Mao t-shirts, keep this couple in mind. To be a Communist means to hate America and all she stands for, plain and simple. With the current crop of  widespread young Communist wanna-bes in America today, the Patriot Act could prove vital to America’s future and reengaging in the necessary  fight against Communism.

  After failing to obtain the necessary 2/3s vote for passage about a week ago, the house managed to pass a Patriot Act exten-sion through Dec. 8, as it was set to expire on Feb 28th. Now it has to get through the U.S Senate next, and time is getting short. President Obama wanted the extension through 2013, but due to opposition from the Teaparty, Libertarians and some Conservatives, they had to settle for a temporary extension for now. This vote passed by a vote of 275 to 144, with 27 Republicans joining 117 Democrats in voting against the extension. The controversy stems mainly from 3 provisions that include what may consider an invasion privacy issue. One provision lets the government snoop at will on a wide group of documents, including such things as library records. The “roving wiretap” provision may face the stiffest test of constitutionality in the courts eventually, as it allows the government to pretty much listen in on any phone call they desire without prior court approval. The last provision allows surveillance of any foreigners, even if there is no proven connections to terrorist groups.

  With these temporary extensions of the Patriot Act set to now expire in Dec. of this year, ( if passed by the Senate) this could be a heavy issue towards the 2012 elections. I personally would support a permanent Patriot Act with full powers to fight terrorism, if it included fighting Communism in America today. Our youth today are being duped into believing lies about the Non-existent Utopian Socialism that is in reality is the pathway to Communism and oppressive dictatorships. So when your child puts on his Mao shirt before school one day, you parents might want to remind them that Mao was a brutal Dictator who murdered about 80 million of his own people while claiming to be their friend and champion. I hope to see a real intense conversation about the future of the Patriot Act in coming months, and that must include the necessity of using it to root out the Communist Anti-Americans amongst us, whether they hide behind fake Social Justice claims, or Soros financed  Socialist Organizations such as Think Progress, Media Matters, Center for American progress, etc. Take a good look at the pictures of the cutely named One Nation Rally, if you don’t think the aforementioned groups, along with Union organizers, aren’t de-facto Anti-American Communists. To make my point I shall put up one picture from that rally, thanks to John Romano at Yes, But, However.*

 I support the full use of the Patriot Act to stop the Anti-American Communist propaganda in America, like we see above at  the One Nation Rally. It is corrupting our youth and poses a clear threat to our future.

* https://yesbuthowever.com/communist-party-america-5000029/

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. If someone had told me years ago that we would one day have so many Socialits/Communist in this Country, I would have told them they were crazy. Who would have ever thought we would have let this kind of thing take place in America.

  2. Thanks for your input Carolyn,

    What is even more amazing, is that even with that picture right there exposing these radical sheep, they still insist on saying there are no commies amongst the radical left. The whole concept stems from another mis-named type of person: The Community Organizers, which are just another change in name for Bill Ayers type communists overloading the system for their “change.”

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