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Wisconsin Protests Go Nationwide: The Radical Agenda

Today we are being told that the Union protests will spread across the nation. I believe this could be the start of what Glenn Beck has exposed as self-professed Communist activist Van Jones’  top down, bottom up, inside out theory of radically transforming America. Remember that these people follow the mantra of , “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”   Mr. Jones was injected into our government as the “Green Jobs Czar” by one Barack Hussein Obama as an appointee with the approval of longtime Chicago confidant Valerie Jarrett, who is now in our very own Whitehouse as a senior advisor  to Barack Obama also. Her prior qualifications to be directly involved in our government today? She is a known Chicago slumlord who was once the Chief of Staff for the King of Chicago corruption, Ex-Mayor Richard Daley. His youngest son, Bill Daley is also Obama’s new Chief of staff in our Whitehouse. Mr Jones can be seen in the photo to the left promoting riots in trying to free a convicted cop killer. This man  certainly gives a  new meaning to the term,”community Organizer.” Mr. Jones is calling for nationwide protests against All state governments starting today, in conjunction with Obama’s heavily State government embedded, UNIONS. This is seizing upon the manufactured crisis in Wisconsin and their mantra of not letting a good crisis go to waste.

Lisa Gras, a very dedicated and informative writer, has put together an excellent article on billionaire economic terrorist George Soros  that should be read  by all Americans who are not familiar with the puppet-master, government overthrowing economic terrorist Mr. George Soros.  https://lisagraas.com/2011/02/05/five-revolutions-backed-by-george-soros/ Soros backed the Liberal Democrats back in the 2008 election, pouring millions into the campaigns of  BOTH  Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. One way or the other, Mr. Soros was guaranteeing that he would have a place at the Whitehouse dinner table and he succeeded. Without Whitehouse support, this word re-known economic terrorist would certainly find himself rotting in an American prison today. Soros was found guilty of insider trading after a 14 year investigation in France* and was fined 2.3 million dollars. This is a man who is also famous for breaking the Bank of England , and was  caught by the SEC here in America  in a stock trading scandal back in 1979, and agreed that he wouldn’t do it anymore. No criminal charges were filed there. The laws about insider trading differ greatly from one country to another. Unlike American law, French law does not provide for civil enforcement actions in insider trading cases; they may be pursued here only as criminal matters. Mr Soros is also known as a man without a country today, yet he is now spending most of his time here in the United States.

In the above referenced article by Lisa Gras, that well-researched and very informative article shows us how George Soros has been undermining governments across the globe since 1984, leading right to the doorstep of the recent Middle East upheaval. What does this have to do with  the current Wisconsin protests, Van Jones, Richard Trumka and Barack Hussein Obama and now the Communist Party USA ?  Apparently more than most people currently know in this country today. Every one of the countries that George Soros was involved in written in Lisa’s article have one thing in common:  The overthrowing of governments through George Soros financed quasi-covert political operations. This also always involves the corruption of the Media, as Soros has poured millions of dollars into newspapers, Tv stations, media networks, etc. He recently gave huge amountss of s=csahs to leftist groups, such as MoveOn.org and The Huffington Post. Here you can see how they have signed up today to promote the protests across America. https://pol.moveon.org/event/events/index.html?action_id=238 This is a bid to protect the progressive movement’s power base for the 2012 elections, folks, nothing more. These puppets could care less about the American people and their quality of life.  Soros also seems to monitor political situations worldwide , and then has shown the uncanny ability to sow the seeds of discontent among the people of those countries at just the right time, resulting in “the fundamental transformation” of those countries and new governments being formed. With our States rights blocking the Federal Government’s intrusions into their own governments, the George Soros funded Liberal agenda can not advance their plans and they know this. Thus they are desperately trying to turn the Wisconsin budget crisis into a national issue. For those of you blindly worshipping Mr. Barack Hussein Obama still today, I shall include a very relative direct quote from Mr. Obama right here and right now:

“We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America

While that now famous statement, uttered at the beginning of candidate Obama’s speech at The University of Missouri, on Feb. 19th, 2008, seemed relatively harmless at the time, when we look at the Soros pattern of undermining governments across the globe, coupled with what we see happening in America today, that statement should be very disconcerting to even the most naive of Americans today.  For the Liberal deniers of reality that want to say Obama didn’t say that,  here is the video link, provided  just to prove it.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ffwY74XbS4 The problem that I have with the Obama/Soros transformation of America motto, is that it is as Anti-American at it’s roots as another group, cpusa.org , that is being rallied to join the protest today by the Communist Van Jones. Right on their homepage they announce their participation in today’s protests.  His rallying cry across the leftist stratosphere here in America to join with their Union brothers today in the protests contained another covert codeword for ratcheting up these protests across America: Solidarity. These radical Anti-Americans are now trying to turn this country into another mish mash of Communists/Socialist power brokers just like in the dysfunctional Afrika we see today. The divide and conquer theory is being heavily applied here and it is being ratcheted up today across America in the attempted dismantling of State Sovereignty. Thus the importance of Governor Scott Walker and others, in standing their ground against the Unions, Liberals, Socialists and Communists marching to the beat of George Soros, Barack Obama, Van Jones, Richard Trumka and their very clear Anti-American agenda.

I pray there will be no violence in these radical, State government protests today that clearly represent a clear and present danger to America and her people. These paid George Soros puppets, Unions thugs, Liberal Socialists and Communists will be out in force today with the direct support of todays Democratic Party. Remember this in 2012.  Since Barack Obama has not denounced this form of domestic terrorism upon the working taxpayers of America, we must only conclude one thing:  He supports it 100%. This is how he plans on “Winning the Future” here in America, starting today.


* https://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/21/business/soros-is-found-guilty-in-france-on-charges-of-insider-trading.html?pagewanted=1


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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. You should come to Madison and see how peaceful these protests are. No paid union thugs, just working people who are fed up with the rich buying politicians to create corporate welfare while the little guy takes the hit. Enough already. Stand up America.

  2. Our President in bed with the Communist Partyt USA and the Unions and you have the audacity to want to talk about peaceful protsts? Grow the hell up.

    FYI, 10 seconds of searching the internet shows videos of a woman and 2 other people being roughed up by UNION goons in Wisconsin! One of them is even posted in here! Wake up, get off of the liberal propaganda sites and educate yourself! And next time try actually reading the damn article before you come in here stinking up the place with that ignorant statement which carries ZERO relevance to the big picture explained here.

    1. Show me one organization supported by the Koch brothers sleeing in thetatehouse in Wisconsin today? Fact is they aren’t involved.

      Soros funded Media Matters has headlines
      all over their homepage begging for dollars to fight Walker, fight this or that. Pathetic, Soros gave media matters a ton of cash.


  3. Furthermore, don’t EVER try to tell me about Wisconsin, I was raised up there! This bunch of Socialists and Communists hanging out with UNION thieves does NOT represent the people I know from up there.

    Banging drums and chanting like ignorant 3rd graders in the statehouse, keeping them from doing the business they were elected to do! PATHETIC bunch of begging misfits trying to bully their way to more gravy-train meals on the backs of the real taxpayers! Just working people? You mean like the school kids being dragged there by teachers? Get real.Like the main thug Trumka? What place of work in Wisconsin is he from? A cheese factory? Oh thats right he isnt even from Wisconsin! You will never sell that disguised garbage in here as this being a grassroots movement. Way too many out of staters and paid Union operatives up there to believe that lie. Wake up.

    1. 2/3 of these socialists support the Democrats. Walker would not win an election today. The right wing agenda is now laid out for the entire country to see. Thanks to Walker, the entire Democratic base has been re-energized!

      1. Thanks for the laugh. I suppose the left is really energized just like the SF nanny Queen in 2010 when she said the day of the elections” Our polls show us doing well and keeping the House.”

        Wisconsin has been a Liberal gutter since 35 years ago when I lived there, yet the people woke up and elected a real governor for some real change.

        You can muster and bluster all the fake Socialist support you want,the fact is we still outnumber the leftist sheep and race based, nanny state voters combined.

  4. Imagine this: wi14fan’s IP is from….. Maryland, quite a ways from home there arent ya? hahahaah Paid clowns from Liberal propaganda sites and their supporters will have a very hard time trying to muck up this site.

  5. Why is it OK for the Koch brothers to be involved in Wisconsin politics, but not George Soros?

    1. As far as I’m concerned anyone can be part of the discussion that our Wisconsin politics have begun. My bottom line; All monies paid to Public Employees come from Taxes. Tax payers should only pay at a level that is essential to maintain Public employees. Unionization and “Collective” bargining on benefits has been a method to launder coerced money (Dues) from public employees to support only Democrat causes.

  6. Respectfully, it appears that the current conservative movement has gone beyond a rational point. It has entered an irrational radicalism, driven by the mirage of an enemy and not an actual enemy. Here is the evidence:
    1) The political scene, and the standing laws of the USA, have not changed significantly since Obama has been elected.
    2) He has not pushed for any new, radical legislation. His push has been on laws that are standard political fodder for the left and right throughout the 20th century.
    3) The Health Care Reform is not a concept created by Obama. It was also a serious political issue in 1993, and it has roots all the way back to the 1940’s and Harry Truman.
    4) Radicalism is usually tied to very aggressive behavior. This pattern of behavior is really more in line with the current radical conservatives than the radical liberals. Anybody that dares associate themselves with the Democrats or Obama are referred to as communists, socialists and leftists, when we all know that this is a radical overgeneralization of their views. The pictures of Obama as the evil Joker are ubiqutious. This again is an example of radical behavior.
    5) There is an emphasis among the radical conservatives to vilify their opponents rather than oppose their points of view. This vilification is normal among the fringe elements in both parties, but it has exploded among the conservatives. It has swept over more than 50% of conservative, based on my unscientific, but carefully considered, observation.

    One thing to be careful of is that there will be a push back, and it will be just as irrational. Amazingly enough, the rules of physics also apply to psychology. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. One could argue that the radical conservatism that I’m speaking of was created by the “socialists” and “Obama”, but that doesn’t have factual support. In terms of the laws on the books, there is a fair balance between the conservatives and the liberals. Obama has not created any situation that would result in the communist state that the radical conservative propaganda has alleged.

    The creators of this radical conservatism seem to be, primarily, conservative political celebrities. The most abrasive appears to be Anne Coulter. She is particularly vicious. Following her would be Rush Limbaugh. And behind him Glenn Beck.

    If this sounds wrong to you, please consider this: Who has hurled the most insults and vicious attacks? While pondering this, remember, overly broad, negative generalizations are also insults. Calling every Democrat a communist, socialist, or leftist, is just a blatent overgeneralization, and is intended to insult them.

    FYI, I’m a moderate. I love capitalism, and plan on making plenty of money. I hate taxes, but I understand that the government has to be funded somehow. Personally, I think the tax rate is too high by about 50%.

    1. Robert,
      I am an Independant, just like the writer of this article here, so the GOP , Limbaugh and Beck bashing doesn’t hold any water for me in checking your credibility( or lack thereof ). While the laws have not changed , the fact that they are being ignored by the current administration is troubling bigtime! Laws don’t mean a thing when they are ignored. Such things as Salazar, Holder and Obama ignoring the Judges rulings that the ban on drilling in the Gulf is illegal. Obama and Co. still imposed it. Obama signed an exec order against lobbyists in government, then immediately wrote up waivers for over half his cabinet and assorted positions so he could hire those same lobbyists, so his exec order was one BIG LIE, and it seems like you do not approve of anyone shining sunlight on those same lies, as you bash people for exposing them. That is hypocritical to the tenth degree.

      The H/C law is the most radical piece of AMERICAN leglislation to ever hit DC. It is Socialism at it’s core, therefor putting it into the Anti-American category, especially when over 70% said they did not want it. It is radical based on the simple fact that the majority of citizens who actually understand what the hell Socialism is,did not/ and do not want it, period.

      I also love your use of the word “Radical.” FYI, America has been symbol of freedom and the most prosperous nation on earth for over 200 years. What is radical is to try to destroy the basis for that success, under the guise of Democracy. Radicals are people like you who deny the true facts to try to push a point. Fact: Due to democratic rule of Congress from 2007-2011 we are now approaching 15 trillion dollars in debt. It took American until 2006 to get to almost 8 trillion in debt. What is that, 230 years? Then in 4 short years of Democrats spending and Obama’s 2 years of wealth redistribution via stealth Socialism, we piled on almost 6 trillion in debt in 5 short years.

      You say you like money, yet the country is 15 trillion in debt, which you nod your head in approval of, while bashing anyone who calls for serious cuts in government spending “radical” When the government is left unchecked they end up taking 75% of EVERYONE’s paycheck to cover their corrupt assinine spending. That is Socialism in a nutshell, and I don’t call it radical for denouncing it one bit. What is radical is turning a blind eye to the destruction of America, while pretending to be some kind of POL-SCI expert on the American economy and the rule of law. Of course even though the U.S. constitution says it is unlawful to mandate anyone buy any product, especially from the government, you try to call it some kind of rational, legal law. That is pathetic.

      Sorry but the concept of the Liberals Socialism in America is extremely radical, in a common sense world. And it is simply not going to happen! Keep on pushing for a fight and you will get one Liberal-Socialists. Its just that you are not going to like the outcome, just like your denial of the reality of the beatdown of your Messiah Obamas Fake Democratic Party in 2010, there is more to come in 2012!

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