Supreme Court Overrules Political Spending Limits
Ever since the Supreme Court decided to allow corporations to spend money on political advertising, liberals and extremists have been in an uproar. Ralph Nader is threatening to change the first amendment and the President wants new legislation to counter the court finding (that’s not Constitutional Mr. President, you’ll have to amend the constitution … checks and balances sir). The Supreme Court decision will most-likely end up changing… absolutely nothing.
Large corporations have used 527 funds to funnel money to campaigns ever since soft-money became regulated. Now they can just be open about who their supporting… wait… what? That’s right, a public corporation would have to be totally transparent about buying a television advertisement for “candidate A” to their stock holders and board members. It’s more likely that they’ll use the money for business operations as the alignment to a candidate will alienate some set of customers.
As is most of liberal politics, this is much ado about nothing. To Obama and Schummer I say, “I think thou doth protest too much”. This isn’t about direct campaign contributions, it’s about the right of everyone to produce and publicize their views in commercials and/or documentaries.
Only liberals could believe that voters are all so stupid that we do whatever we’re told by the television. We see commercials, but we have ideals, morals, principals. We vote our conscience, not because of some slick commercial.
Why are they so worried? The news media corporations are already allowed to use their access to the public to influence things, why not the rest of corporate America? They aren’t. This is a diversionary tactic. They need the media to stop talking about Scott Brown. Liberals need us to stop paying attention to the fact that Obamacare and cap and trade are drowning in reality. Talking about something that just doesn’t really matter is much better for the left than discussing all the critical issues that they have failed to do anything on.
The CEO of Kraft isn’t going to get his best friend elected to the Senate by spending millions on advertising. Buffet isn’t going to get Obama re-elected by spending his companies money on info-mercials. Corporations aren’t going to be able to buy a candidacy because we aren’t controlled by advertising. Most of us just fast-forward the DVR right past those ads anyway.
That was brilliant.
Actually The Independence Caucus has a solution to this in their videos entitled “The 12 Articles of The Independence Caucus”. In video number 5 Titled “The Rebirth of Common Sense”.
The basic solution is that all previous reform has been to focus on money going in…we say our Fundamental Truth #1 is: “As long there is a big enough incentive (ie the money at the end) the lobbyists will find a way to get to it”. We started with the 2008 win of Jason Chaffetz who had 1000 volunteers and was outspent 6-1. Essentially we have an “incumbent party” and not a democrat or republican party.
Here is a link to the video that explains it better: