Commentators and pundits are trying to figure out just why Coakley lost. The White House press secretary thinks it’s Bush’s fault, Coakley’s lead pollster blames the White House, and the rest of the liberal leadership … hates Scott Brown’s truck.
John Kerry said, “I’ve got news for you, Scott: George Bush drove a truck, too, and look where it got us”. Coakley said that it didn’t matter that Brown drove a truck because he was going in the wrong direction. Obama decided to attack Scott’s mode of transportation by telling us all to “forget the truck” and “everybody can buy a truck”.
Hearing all of this truck-bashing seriously reminded me of the Southwest Airlines commercial when they ask, “why do they hate your bags so much”. So Mr. President, why do you hate our trucks so much? Are you too good to ride in a truck? Are people that drive trucks stupid or unworthy? Are we the less-equal animals in Orwell’s book?
It’s obvious that Obama has no concern for the common citizen, because we’re… common. We don’t eat arugula regularly (or at all), have lobster at every meal or play golf while our responsibilities are being ignored. Instead we might drive trucks, because putting mulch in a sedan isn’t effective, and just try putting a sheet of plywood on your econo-scooter. Then again, we are the same ones that cling to our bibles and guns. Somehow having religion and legally owning a firearm also knocks us down on the animal equality meter.
In a post on, Mark Steyn also sees a growing hatred of trucks in our country:
America is becoming a bilingual society, divided between those who think a pickup is a rugged vehicle useful for transporting heavy-duty items from A to B and those who think a pickup is coded racism.
I drive a pickup and it has over 100,000 miles on it. I have a bible and … guns. The Democrats problem is that they are the only ones offended by these facts. They are certainly the only ones that would look down their elitist noses at someone with an 8 year old truck. Clearly I drive it because I can’t afford to buy a new shiny BMW every three years – or perhaps, because I don’t want to. If someone else likes the new car smell so much they discard a perfectly useful vehicle and don’t mind being constantly in debt, so be it. It’s their choice and it doesn’t affect me at all. I like not having had a car payment in recent history. I hope I get 250,000 miles out of this truck and I hope it irritates the crap out of the President.
If you listen to Obama, Brown got elected because we’re all still mad at Bush. I’ll pile that one on to truck-hatred and bible/gun bashing. Coakley lost because she was inept and decided to support Obama’s failed policies. The failed policies of the current administration. She lost because she decided to speak for Kurt Schilling (and not correctly), couldn’t spell her own state, and … hates trucks. She lost because she is out of touch with America – and so goes the Democrat party.
It reminds me of what the leftwingers had to say about the GOP conference in Hawaii… which was bogus as usual; whereas this guys point is bulletproof.