Massachusetts Marijuana Dispensary Selling Pot Pizzas

Now people can get buzzed and get their munchies at the same time.

A Massachusetts dispensary for medical marijuana has introduced the novel new idea of pot pizzas which should be a big hit with many patients.

According to Boston CBS affiliate CBS 4 “Quincy Dispensary Makes Pot Pizza For Patients”:

A medical marijuana dispensary in Quincy is offering patients a delicious way to treat their pain: pot pizza.

Ermont has been open since October and is uniquely integrated, complete with labs and growing areas, a retail space, and of a kitchen.

Using years of experience in Boston restaurants, team members are constantly looking for new ways to infuse flavorless liquid cannabinoids into ingredients and sauces. Their edible menu helps make life more normal for patients in pain.

“A lot of our patients really wanted to basically figure out a different way to medicate that didn’t always remind them that they were trying to do something to take care of themselves,” said Steve Yaffe, Director of Operations at Ermont. “It really makes medicating seem like something that isn’t as scary.”

Despite the legalization of recreational marijuana in Massachusetts, the details are still being hashed out (pun intended) although the the personal cultivation of up to six pot plants is allowed.

While the devil weed is not legal throughout the nation with the exceptions of a handful of liberal states, this could give Dominos and Pizza Hut a run for their money if laws ever change to make pot permissible from sea to shining sea.

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Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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