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Maxine Watters Back at It Again: Says She Threatens Trump Supporters ‘All the Time’

While receiving an award from the Stonewall Young Democratic Club of Los Angeles, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) told the audience to seek out Trump administration officials and publicly criticize them – adding that she does that “all the time.”

“There are those who said we lacked civility when I got up and talked about the presidents cabinet and I said if you see them anywhere, if you see them at a restaurant, if you see them at a department store or even at a gasoline station just tell them ‘you are are not welcome here or anywhere,’ And so it frightened a lot of people. And of course, the lying president said I threaten his constituents. I did not threaten his constituents and supporters. I do that all the time, but I didn’t do it that time,” said Watters.

Waters claimed that her call to publicly harass Trump administration officials cannot be termed a call for political violence while also taking a shot at President Trump labeling him as “the poster child for violence.”

“What bothered me so much was, they tried to frame that as violence. That’s not violence. As a matter of fact I said the poster child for violence is the president of the United States. He’s the one who threatens. Don’t forget at his rallies, when he said go ahead and beat them up, I’ll take them out on a stretcher. He even said if they jail you I will bail you out, on and on and on. I do not advocate violence. I do not believe you should hit, kick, shoot. I don’t do that. And I won’t allow anybody to define our protesting in that way. We have to tell people the difference between violence and incivility and protesting,” Watters said.

Watters even seemed to suggest intentions of impeaching of Vice President Mike Pence if she were to be successful in impeaching Trump.

“I had a conversation here today with someone asked, ‘Well, what about Pence? If you are able to impeach, Pence will be worse. Well, I said, ‘Look, one at a time.’

“You knock one down, and we’ll be ready for Pence. We’ll get him, too,” Watters said.

Transcript provided via Breitbart.

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Brady Kenyon

Brady is a contributing writer for Conservative Daily News.

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