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ANTIFA Group ‘Redneck Revolt’ Has Training Manual for Violent Revolution

Violent leftist groups have found fertile ground to take root in the United States after the election of President Donald Trump. Democrats have turned a blind eye to black-clad hooligans roughing up Trump supporters like Nazis or Stalinists and they are continuing to proliferate nationally.

The worst is ANTIFA which dresses in black and claims to be anti-fascist despite their decidedly fascist tactics and they perfectly fit the description of a domestic terrorist group.

Now ANTIFA is splintering into subgroups with one of them called “Redneck Revolt” actually putting out a training manual that builds upon the 1960s manifesto The Anarchist Cookbook to provide its members with tips and training to use against their enemies.

The Daily Caller reports “Armed Antifa Group Offers Training Manual On Terrorism And Guerrilla Warfare”:

An Antifa organization called Redneck Revolt is advocating for “revolution” against the rise of “fascism” in the United States, and the end of capitalism. To facilitate these goals, the group offers a variety of resources, including a training manual for conducting guerrilla warfare with sections for “executions” and “terrorism.” In the wake of the targeted shooting of Republican members of Congress earlier this year, nothing is more concerning than extremist organizations calling for armed revolts against civil society.

Redneck Revolt is one of several organizations to spring up following Trump’s victory in the 2016 electoin, and is purportedly one of the largest of these Antifa organizations currently operating in the United States with over 30 chapters across 20 states.

It describes itself as a group made up of “working class and poor people” with declarations of taking “meaningful action” against “our common enemy: the rich.” It lists “militant resistance” as one of the group’s guiding principles.

If you go to the group’s website at www.redneckrevolt.org you can find the group’s organizing principles which include standing against white supremacy, capitalism and what appears to be advocacy for a $15 minimum wage. There is also a link to resources including a tract on urban guerilla warfare written by Brazilian Marxist Carlos Marighella.

All the trademarks of a George Soros related organization.

From the website:


Redneck Revolt is a national network of community defense projects from a broad spread of political, religious, and cultural backgrounds. It is a pro-worker, anti-racist organization that focuses on working class liberation from the oppressive systems which dominate our lives. In states where it is legal to practice armed community defense, many branches choose to become John Brown Gun Clubs, training ourselves and our communities in defense and mutual aid.

This project was founded in June 2016, by several members of previous similar community defense formations in Kansas and Colorado. We have 30+ vetted branches, united under our common goals as outlined in our principles, and organized through a collaboratively built national network.

Our national network members come from a variety of ideological backgrounds – libertarians, humanists, anarchists, republicans, communists, and independents. In this project, political ideology is less important to us than our ability to agree on our organizing principles and work together. Many people nationwide have become politicized for the first time over the last several years, and are now seeking ways to get involved and protect vulnerable members of their community and keep them safe. We are ready to work with anyone who recognizes the urgency of building community defense networks to protect the most vulnerable among us, and can work and learn alongside us.

Sounds like a group that should be investigated by the federal authorities for encouraging violence against Americans as well as the overthrow of the government.

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Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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