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A Danger to the “Establishment”

The American people, myself included, believed that our government was free, open and honest. We believed that our elections were fair. We rejoiced when Donald Trump was elected president. We looked forward to the necessary changes Trump would make after taking office, but not everyone is on board.

We have not been disappointed with President Trump’s changes. But we did not expect the full extent of the corruption, lying, and filth that remained after the Obama administration – now termed the Deep State – that have come to light since Trump moved into the White House. The continual lying and misrepresentation of the nation’s daily happenings, especially by the liberal press, have been truly shocking.

We were under the impression that our Senators and Representatives, to whom we had just given a majority in both houses, were patriotic Americans who were conservative enough to work with the new president to enact the necessary changes he promised to make, thereby saving our nation from the terrorism and bankruptcy that threatens us.

Who could anticipate that Federal Judges on the 9th Circuit Court would opposed the much-needed travel ban executive orders issued by Trump that were intended to protect Americans from terrorist attacks? Who would believe that America’s major news organizations would repeatedly report news stories they knew were lies, intended to undermine the Trump presidency?

Who would ever have thought that the commie-loving liberals would use the lie of Russian collusion in an attempt to destroy the presidency? Until recently, Democrats praised Russia as the future we should all strive towards. But now, Russia is conveniently portrayed as the evil empire that conservatives always knew it to be.

The length and breadth of the proverbial Swamp is much longer, wider and deeper than anyone ever thought. The threat to the “establishment” of Donald Trump and his announced determination to drain this swamp is so great that one fears for the safety of anyone close to Trump who attempts to pull the plug. There was an attempt to kill several Republican politicians at a recent baseball game in Alexandria. And who knows how many other such attempts will be made as the filthy water is slowly being pumped out of the swamp?

Donald Trump presents a large threat to the establishment and each day we marvel as he does the things he promised despite them.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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