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‘The Rock’ Won’t Endorse Joe Biden Again In 2024

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson told Fox News on Friday that he will not make an endorsement in the 2024 election after backing President Joe Biden last cycle.

Johnson, an independent, threw his support behind Biden’s 2020 campaign just weeks ahead of the election, where he argued in a social media video that the then-vice president and Kamala Harris were “the best choice to lead our country.” The actor and WWE star discussed his previous endorsement with Fox News’ Will Cain, telling the outlet that he isn’t pleased with the state of the country.

“Are you happy that you made that endorsement in 2020? Are you happy with the state of America?,” asked Cain.

“Am I happy with the state of America right now? Well, that answer is no. Do I believe we’re going to get better? I believe in that. I’m an optimistic guy. And I believe we can get better,” Johnson answered. “The endorsement that I made years ago with Biden was one I thought was the best decision for me at that time. And I thought back then when we talk about, hey, you know, I’m in this position where I have some influence and it’s my job then — I felt like that then, it’s my job now to exercise my influence and share with — this is who I’m going to endorse. Am I going to do that again this year? That answer is no.”


During the same interview, Johnson also criticized “cancel culture” and “woke culture,” and argued “being direct and being honest” is important to him.

“In today’s easy, cancel culture world — and cancel culture, woke culture, this culture, that culture, division, etcetera — that really bugs me,” said Johnson. “In the spirit of that, you either succumb and be what you think other people want you to be, or you go, well no, that’s not who I am. I’m going to be myself and I’m gonna be real. If you ask me something, a real answer is important and the truthful answer is important. And that may get people upset, it may piss people off. And that is okay. But, it took time to recognize that.”

Biden’s campaign did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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