In Maine, The Dinner Table Links True Conservatives
About ten years ago, two Conservatives from Maine created a grassroots organization to lobby the State Legislature to pass laws that align with traditional Maine values and assist Conservative Republican candidates in their quest for office. The Dinner Table was named after the famous Ronald Reagan line, “ALL GREAT CHANGE IN AMERICA BEGINS AT THE DINNER TABLE.” With Reagan’s inspiration, Alex Titcomb & Rep. Laurel Libby created the most significant grassroots political action group ever in the Pine State.
The Dinner Table continues to grow and sees a membership surge every time Augusta comes down with another Left-Wing decision. 2023 was rife with written and passed decisions to assuage the Left or Special Interest groups. One such law was the ultra-liberal reproductive rights (abortion) bill passed last summer that aligns Maine with the least restrictive abortion rights states in the country. The bill effectively allowed voluntary abortion up to the point of birth and was opposed by over 80% of Maine voters. The bill had the support of the largest abortion services provider in the country, Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood claims that abortion is one of the least sought services they offer, but they spent nearly $800,000 wooing State Reps and Senators. Proponents deluged the Capitol chambers with support and against the people’s will. The bill was passed after an all-night session in the House chamber.
The Dinner Table has been active in resisting new laws that promote the spread of the Marijuana Industry. Marijuana has been legal for medicinal and recreational use since 2016 and has become the third-largest industry in Maine. The politicians want to see those tax dollars continue to grow.
Most recently, the Dinner Table was active in fighting the removal of Trump from the state’s election ballot. They were unsuccessful, but that was not due to lack of effort. The cards were stacked against Trump and any supporters, and the Liberal Left got their wish when the Secretary of State released her decision last week. She immediately suspended her decision, knowing it would be directly challenged in the Maine Supreme Court. The Trump Team has filed a challenge to the decision.
Recruiting and supporting candidates is the other focus of the Dinner Table, and the support is both in training and helping with the financial demands of running for state office. The time is right for the Dinner Table as the political pendulum appears to be swinging to the right. However, you still need candidates who can do the job, represent Conservatives, and be attractive to Independents. That is a tall order, but the leadership team of the Dinner Table is confident, and they have built an enthusiastic team of Conservative Patriots who have already shown they are primed and ready to meet the challenge.
Conservatives are motivated but also angry and feel threatened. They think the effort by the Left to push America toward a Socialist form of government, and they take it personally. If there is one lesson the Left needs to heed, it is you do not threaten the Democracy that Conservatives hold dear. They appear to be slow learners.
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