Climate Alarmists Give The Game Away By Targeting … Teslas?
Identifying car brands can be hard at times. It wasn’t so bad when I was growing up in the 1970s in a small town in Texas: You had Dodges, Fords, Chevrolets, and the occasional Lincoln, Chrysler and Cadillac, and not much else.
I’ll never forget when a local CPA bought a brown Toyota — it looked like something from another planet in our town. And don’t even ask me about the time the local millionaire rolled through town in his new Rolls Royce — talk about a scandal.
But things are different now. The streets of every town on the planet are now occupied by a vast array of car brands made by dozens of automakers, and it can be a real challenge differentiating one brand from another, with few exceptions.
One of those exceptions, of course, is Tesla. I mean, who at this point doesn’t immediately recognize a Tesla when he or she or xe or xey sees one? Seems like Tesla has to be the most easily recognized brand in the western world, especially if you’re a climate alarm activist who spends every waking moment trembling with brainwashed hysteria that the world’s about to burn up in a fiery inferno caused by a 1.5 degree temperature rise.
Apparently, though, climate hysterics aren’t quite as bright as we might have thought. The BBC reports this week that one group of protesters recently deflated the tires on a man’s car and left a flyer on his windshield scolding him for destroying the planet with his gas guzzling car.
“ATTENTION: Your gas guzzler kills” the flyer begins, before notifying the owner that “We have deflated one or more of your tyres.”
But it gets better. “We did this because driving around in your SUV vehicle has huge consequences,” the scold continues, “SUVs are the second-largest cause of the rise in CO2 emissions over the past decade, more than the aviation industry.”
The thing goes on and on, but you get the nauseating point: You’re a horrible person because you drive an ICE car that burns gasoline.
The only problem is that the car in question is, of course, a Tesla. It’s not an SUV at all, because Tesla doesn’t make any model that can accurately be referred to as a real SUV, though it does make a model that pretends to be one, kind of like Joe Biden pretends to be President for about 2 hours most days.
The owner, a man who lives in Clifton, Bristol, England, is quoted by the BBC as saying, “something comical about it” but he felt “slightly violated.” No doubt, and who could blame him?
But then he apparently became more agitated as he spoke with the reporter, since he went onto add, “It’s ironic, because I was trying to do the right thing by buying an electric car. It’s ridiculous and inconvenient. I get why [climate activism] is happening, but I’m not seeing the point of this.” Well, yes, who would see the point of it, other than brainwashed lunatics who believe they’re doing something important by splashing cans of soup on priceless masterpieces of art or blocking traffic by gluing themselves to the pavement?
Hilariously, the group behind the prank calls itself — what else? — the Tyre Extinguishers. And get this — they claim to have targeted the Tesla — which their flyer identifies as a “gas guzzler” — on purpose. A spokesperson for the group says, “Hybrids and electric cars are fair game. We cannot electrify our way out of the climate crisis — there are not enough rare earth metals to replace everyone’s car and the mining of these metals causes suffering.”
You know what? That person makes a coherent point — there aren’t enough rare earth metals to replace everyone’s car. What he/she/xe/xey doesn’t say is that replacing your ICE car with an EV isn’t the actual goal here. The real goal is forcing all but the super-wealthy upper classes to surrender their personal cars entirely.
Almost as an afterthought, the spokesperson adds, “Plus, the danger to other road users still stands.” Oh, ok. Thanks for clarifying that — we were all wondering.
My goodness. You just cannot make these people up.
David Blackmon is an energy writer and consultant based in Texas. He spent 40 years in the oil and gas business, where he specialized in public policy and communications.
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