‘Unconstitutional’: ACLU Sues Indiana After Governor Bans Transgender Treatments For Minors
The Indiana ACLU filed a lawsuit against the State of Indiana to contest a law banning doctors from providing gender-affirming treatments to minors, according to ABC affiliate WRTV.
The ACLU announced in a press conference Wednesday afternoon they filed a lawsuit against the new bill, Senate Bill 480, claimed as unconstitutional, according to WRTV. Republican Indian Gov. Eric Holcomb signed SB 480 on April 5, prohibiting doctors from knowingly performing gender transition on minors, including surgeries to exchange individuals’ genitalia.
The bill also prohibits a physician to “aid or abet another physician or practitioner in the provision of gender transition procedures to a minor,” allowing the Indiana Attorney General to enforce the law.
The ACLU accused SB 480 of being against the Medicaid Act and Affordable Care Act “because it prohibits essential medical services that would otherwise be authorized and reimbursed by Medicaid,” according to WRTV.
“Permanent gender-changing surgeries with lifelong impacts and medically prescribed preparation for such a transition should occur as an adult, not as a minor,” said Gov. Holcomb in a press conference with ACLU. “There has and will continue to be debate within the medical community about the best ways to provide physical and mental health care for adolescents who are struggling with their own gender identity, and it is important that we recognize and understand those struggles are real. With all of that in mind, I have decided to sign SB 480 into law.”
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ACLU is one of the right hands of the many tentacles the government uses to get away with sleight of hand tricks against its citizens. Abortion comes to mind, mutilate unborn babies and sell their parts. And now young children are being convinced they are not who they are or what they were born as. Our government is making a monstrous mistake forcing this on kids and their parents and now ACLU is claiming it is a constitutional right. ACLU is one bunch of messed up people who are now arguing that doctors be allowed to carve children into their idea of who this person will be instead of allowing children to get help with their mental illness. These frankensteins are helping to create more mentally dysfunctional youngsters by encouraging them to ask for mutilation instead of counseling. It is totally manipulative. And wrong. And should be a crime.