Kamala Dropped The Ball

When someone fails to do what is right, is that dropping the ball or just another failure in a series of failures? Nashville has taken some shots in the last week. From the senseless killing of six innocent souls at the hand of an unstable woman to the expulsion of two Democrat state legislators, Nashville is not used to bad press. Nashville is also not used to being snubbed by anyone, let alone the hapless Vice President of the United States. If you saw Harris was going to Nashville this week, you would have thought she would pay the respects of the country to the families of the six dead victims buried this week. You would be wrong; Kamala Harris is an embarrassment to this great nation.
Kamala Harris traveled to Nashville to support the three disgraced state representatives who had embarrassed themselves and the state. Two Representatives were expelled, and the third barely kept her job. The President also met with the three reps via Zoom to show his support for their strength and courage. The town of East Palestine, Pennsylvania, is still waiting for a call or visit from either member of the Executive Branch.
First, let’s look at her address. She was overly dramatic, using a plethora of accents. She was attempting to connect with every minority in the room. It didn’t work. She came across as unreal and animated. There were two reasons for the VP’s visit. One was to show her support for the ousted Democrats. The other was to chide the Republicans for their actions. This is what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris call reuniting the country-driving a wedge between us at every opportunity.
The story of the Tennessee Representatives is for another article. This story is about the Vice President. Harris went to Fisk University, an all-Black school in Nashville, to condemn the White Republicans who destroyed Democracy by silencing two Black Reps and removing them. This address by Harris is what fosters racism. Making the issue about Race is the Ace of Spades for the Democrats. These Reps disrupted a state legislature, used bull horns, and disrespected their colleagues and the state. Our VP did not mention what they did and why they were expelled. For her, it is enough to call them leaders, to call them heroes, to call them Black, and to identify those who removed these Reps as the angry white machine that cannot have such a threat in place. The threat must be eliminated.
Kamala began her address with her trademark giggle before she broke into her passionate speech. She was in her element, and she was singing to the choir. She was at Fisk, not to discuss the Reps and their ouster. She was at Fisk to rile the troops. She patronized these students by calling them all leaders. The crowd was loud and receptive. Just what the administration was looking for.
Harris accomplished her goal, but in so doing, she embarrassed most of America by snubbing and disrespecting the six victims of the Nashville mass shooting. Their families would like to hear how the loss of their family members did not die in vain and the steps would be taken to prevent a repeat. The families would remain disappointed.
Content syndicated from ConservatriveViewFromNH.com with permission
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