New York City Teachers Union Hosts Workshop Detailing The ‘Harmful Effects Of Whiteness’
A New York City teachers union is hosting a workshop to teach counselors about resisting the “harmful effects of whiteness,” according to the organization website.
The United Federation of Teachers is holding a “Holding The Weight Of Whiteness” virtual workshop for school counselors to discuss how “whiteness ” connects to “privilege and identity” that has become “normalized and invisible,” according to the organization website. The workshop will focus on topics that pertain to the “Latinx/e communities” such as internalized racism, privilege, microaggressions and white identity.
“Our presenter will share personal stories and experiences that relate to her identities and how these experiences have been shaped by racism,” the workshop description read. “Participants will leave the workshop with a better understanding of how to center ourselves as a form of resistance against the harmful effects of whiteness in our lives, the organizations we work for or direct and the communities in which we serve.”
Erica Sandoval, the host of a “Latinx In Social Work” podcast and a “diversity, equity and inclusion leader,” is leading the workshop, the website showed. The workshop aimed at “cultural humility and inclusion,” costs $25 for counselors to attend.
Members of the teachers union who are “licensed mental health professionals” will earn two credit hours towards their professional development training, the website showed.
Teachers unions across the country are pushing gender identity and Critical Race Theory (CRT) initiatives among their members and in the classroom; the National Education Association, the nation’s largest teachers union, hosted a “Race-Based Trauma Blended Learning Course” to train educators how to recognize the causes and effects racial trauma.
The United Federation of Teachers did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.
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Incredible! The average American, who reads this article, will be incredulous at the existence of workshops on “whiteness”! It is exactly what normal people have come to expect from the social activist community. Normal people (black, white, brown, yellow) don’t need to be lectured on “whiteness”, or “blackness”, or whatever!
Our lives are not cluttered up with abnormal infatuations that tend to trigger negative emotions in many of our friends and neighbors. We shouldn’t be confronted with such racially-charged articles that tend to accentuate our differences. I’m ok if you’re ok.
Maybe they should figure out the privilege of whiteness is because they bust their arses working and not given free stuff from the government. Maybe they should address over 51% of violent crimes in the country are by the black race and black on black crime is off the charts. Teaching children racism against white Americans is still racism. Maybe we should have workshop’s on the violence in this country by black Americans. Maybe they should go back to reading, writing and arithmetic and learn about real history instead of the bullsh#t they are teaching! They are pushing hard for a race war. While we are fighting amongst ourselves China is picking our pockets and beating us in just about every area. Wake up people! Soon we won’t be America but the USSA or Americo with all the Mexicans running across our border. Soon, the “good ole days of the USA” will be a thing of the past! As it is now our great, great, grandchildren will still be paying on our National Debt with the buffoon in office. I fear for my children and grandchildren!