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GOP Run-Off Loss in Georgia is Worse News Than it Seems

Incumbent Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock defeated Republican Challenger Herschel Walker in Georgia’s Tuesday run-off election securing the Senate for the Democrats and it signals really bad things to come.

Warnock held a lead of almost 100,000 votes with 98.7% of votes counted pushing Walker to concede the race between two arguably terrible candidates.

Raphel Warnock (D) – incumbent1,817,46551.38%
Herschel Walker (R)1,719,86848.62%
98.67% reporting

The win will dilute the filibuster threat of Joe Manchin (D-W.Va) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) who stimied efforts by Democrats to end the 60-vote threshold in the Senate, fought Biden’s infrastructure packages and his $15 federal minimum wage effort.

The soon-to-be 51-Democrat to 49-Republican Senate will also free Vice President Kamala Harris to do even less than she already does. Until newly elected Senators are seated in January, the Democrats need Harris to break any ties in the 50-50 chamber.

January will likely bring a flood of federal judiciary nominees, progressive wish-list items, and possibly more ill-thought investigations into anything Democrats dislike. While a slim majority in the House, just gained in the midterm election, could give Republicans some ability to stave off extreme legislation from the Senate, the GOP has shown little backbone when put to the test.

The loss for Republicans puts RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel’s bid for a fourth term in doubt. Former Trump campaign attorney Harmeet Dhillon announced Monday that she is seeking the chair.

“Republicans are tired of losing, and I think that that we really need to radically reshape our leadership in order to win,” Dhillon told Fox News host Tucker Carlson. “We can’t keep running elections like we did in the ’90s and the 2000s, and we really have to modernize to compete with the Democrats dollar for dollar in the ways they fundraise, the way they deliver their ballots to the ballot boxes.”

Harmeet echoes the sentiments of many on the right that feel the GOP leadership has continually let them down and must be replaced with people whose ideas and messaging are “fresh and positive and not just reactive to news cycles and what the Democrats are doing.”

The 2022 midterm elections were supposed to hand the GOP a firm hold on the House and a small, but effective majority in the Senate. Instead, a slim hold on the House and the loss of a seat in the Senate have Republicans looking for answers – and heads – for the failed red wave.

Poor messaging, an ineffective ground game, a slate of terrible candidates, and McConnel’s self-protection moves all combined to hand the Senate to Democrats in a year where record inflation, high gas prices, and a president with terrible voter approval ratings should have led to a crushing defeat for the left.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Yes it is because the Republican’s seem to be able to fxxx up a wet dream. They got caught “assuming” instead of working hard to get their message out. The leadership needs to be removed and replaced with more aggressive talent. They picked losers to run and they lost the red wave. If they don’t change they will squander control of Congress. The Democrats are cunning and for the most part stick (lie) together. The mail in ballots are killing us, learn the game you idiots.

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