Abortion Activists Seethe After Biden WH Calls Them ‘Out Of Step’
White House communications director Kate Bedingfield angered pro-abortion activists Saturday by suggesting they were too radical for the Democratic party.
“Joe Biden’s goal in responding to Dobbs is not to satisfy some activists who have been consistently out of step with the mainstream of the Democratic Party,” Bedingfield told The Washington Post. “It’s to deliver help to women who are in danger and assemble a broad-based coalition to defend a woman’s right to choose now, just as he assembled such a coalition to win during the 2020 campaign.”
Activists quickly condemned the statement and said Biden wasn’t doing enough to protect abortion rights in the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned.
Renee Bracey Sherman, founder of the pro-abortion group We Testify, slammed the White House on Twitter in response to the statement.
All this White House has for people who need abortions is empty promises and disrespect.
— Renee Bracey Sherman (@RBraceySherman) July 9, 2022
“Someone should tell @WHCommsDir that abortion access is consistently polling higher than her boss,” she wrote. “All this White House has for people who need abortions is empty promises and disrespect.”
Hayley McMahon, an abortion researcher at Emory University, also criticized the Biden administration’s slow movement on the abortion issue.
Also, Biden and the Democrats have done absolutely fuck all to “deliver help to women who are in danger,” whatever that ultra-vague bullshit means. I cannot emphasize enough how badly telling pro-choice people to go fuck themselves right after Roe was overturned is going to go.
— Hayley McMahon, MSPH, CPH (@McMisoprostol) July 9, 2022
“Biden and the Democrats have done absolutely fuck all to ‘deliver help to women who are in danger,’ whatever that ultra-vague bullshit means,” she wrote. “I cannot emphasize enough how badly telling pro-choice people to go fuck themselves right after Roe was overturned is going to go.”
Democratic strategist Matt McDermott joined the fray, accusing the administration of pushing away abortion activists.
It is remarkably concerning that there are members of the Biden Administration who seem more frustrated at pro choice activists than at Republicans who systematically dismantled abortion rights.
— Matt McDermott (@mattmfm) July 9, 2022
“It is remarkably concerning that there are members of the Biden Administration who seem more frustrated at pro choice activists than at Republicans who systematically dismantled abortion rights,” he wrote.
Biden supported a bill earlier this year which would have enshrined a nationwide right to abortion throughout the first six months of pregnancy and forbidden states from denying abortions even in the final trimester, in which a child can survive outside the womb, if a healthcare worker determines the pregnancy to be harmful to a woman’s mental, emotional or physical health.
The White House did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.
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