Stacey Abrams Campaign Slogan: ‘Georgia Sucks’
Stacey Abrams is running for governor of Georgia, but her campaign messaging could use some work.
“I am tired of being told that we are the best state in the country to do business when we are the worst state in the country to live in,” Abrams said at a Democratic fundraiser Saturday.
Several Georgia Republican Congressional candidates fired back at Abrams. “It’s clear Stacey Abrams doesn’t understand business. We are the #1 state to do business in large part BECAUSE people like living here. Can’t imagine that would have been the case (especially during Covid) if she were at the helm,” said Meagan Manson, Georgia Sixth Congressional District Candidate.
Abrams’ brand of social justice, cancel culture, and anti-everything doesn’t sell well. Netflix has jettisoned its cadre of SJW contractors and Disney is still reeling from its pledge to push sexualized content in kindergarten classrooms. And only Abrams could top all that mess by disrespecting the very state in which she hopes to be governor.
“‘Georgia sucks’ is one helluva campaign message in…Georgia,” said Republican strategist and CNN political commentator, Doug Heye.
This isn’t Ms. Abrams’ first episode of disrespecting Georgians using political messaging. During her failed 2018 run, she told farmers to ditch their crops and head to the city for “service jobs.”
“Just before the 2018 election, a massive hurricane destroyed South Georgia crops. Abrams, in South Georgia after the storm, announced that people could ditch the agriculture industry and go get service jobs in Atlanta. It went over as badly as this will,” said radio talk show broadcaster and host of the Erick Erickson Show, Erick Erickson.
Abrams also has still not conceded losing the 2018 election claiming that the election “was stolen.”
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Who listens to this woman. She hates Georgia and wants to be the governor so she can destroy Georgia from inside the system. No more from this woman. Shame her and make her crawl back under her rock and leave Georgia to the people who will make it better. Not the haters.
Then leave Georgia Abrams. Another inarticulate fat Demwit. They are as stupid as they look.