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‘No Plan’ From Biden to Solve Baby Formula Crisis

The Biden administration has produced no strategy to alleviate the dire shortage of baby formula in the United States, according to a member of Congress.

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) said Thursday that Congress has seen “no plan from the Biden administration” to deal with the shortages.

Well, this is a crisis across America. I can think of a no more harrowing crisis for parents as they are desperately trying to find access to baby formula. Sam is nine months old, he is formula-fed. We are lucky in the sense that there is not a particular brand of formula, but for health issues some babies only take a certain type of formula. The shelves have been fairly empty in upstate New York and I’m hearing from parents all across America. We are demanding action. I actually saw this crisis coming and demanded the FDA respond in February of this year when there was the recall at the Sturgis, Michigan plant. This is a huge crisis and we want to make sure there is a plan. We have seen no plan from Joe Biden or the FDA.

Even worse, the administration appears to be putting America’s children last as pallets of critically short formula are being trucked to the U.S.-Mexico border.

“They are sending pallets, pallets of baby formula to the border,” said Republican Rep. Kat Cammack in one of two online postings Wednesday. “Meanwhile, in our own district at home, we cannot find baby formula,” she added, holding a photo of empty shelves.

The photos show pallets of Gogo Squeez baby food and Advantage baby formula being received at an illegal alien intake facility on the border.

The shortage was initially caused by an FDA shutdown of a large formula maker in Michigan. The ensuing run-on formula at stores and online made the problem very visible. Then online profiteers bought up cases to turn around for 2-3 times cost, reminiscent of the toilet paper and cleaning product shortage during the pandemic.

But now, during an obvious supply crisis of a critical product for infants, the Biden administration has not only failed to produce a plan, but has actively undercut American moms and babies by sending formula to the border.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. Who at CDN is surprised by that? What has Biden done about restoring our petroleum industry to its former glory…including fracking of natural gas. And what has Biden done to make it clear to the CCP that we have major concerns about the Uyghurs and the Hong Kong indepednence movement! What has Biden done about the CCP’s interest in building military bases in the “shadow” of Australia; or the CCP’s hostility toward Taiwan?
    Biden should be doing a lot of things, but he has proven he is mostly incompetent due to age and ill-defined physical and mental insufficiencies.

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