BRAVO: Watch This Senate Candidate’s Awesome Super Bowl Ad – “Let’s Go, Brandon!”
I didn’t know who Dave McCormick was before yesterday, but he definitely took advantage of primetime advertising before an audience of an estimated 100 million eyeballs that were watching the Super Bowl yesterday. Known only to state voters, and even then not all of them, he is now a household name across the country after exposing the fraudulent, corrupt, and inept administration of Joe Biden with a spot-on takedown of Brandon.
Inspired by the ad, I did a little digging. McCormick is running in the crowded, hotly-contested Pennsylvania Senate race for the soon-to-be vacated seat currently held by the retiring Pat Toomey. It turns out he had a previous stint in D.C. with a role Bush Junior’s administration in the Treasury Department before later becoming a CEO of one of the world’s largest hedge funds. But that’s not really here nor there.
Americans are fed up with the disastrous leadership in Washington, D.C. Biden represents everything wrong with modern politics, from his ego to his incompetence, from his derision of citizens to his financial and moral corruption. Chanting “Let’s go, Brandon!” encapsulates the entire spectrum of feelings toward this dishonest president.
Take a look at the best Super Bowl ad of them all yesterday:
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