Who is the Real Threat to Democracy?
The Democrats treat everything as a threat to our Democracy. Trump was a threat. Voting laws are a threat. The demonstration at the Capitol was a threat. Preventing the Build Back Better Bill is a threat. Everything is a threat, and everything is hyperbole. But is there a genuine threat to our Democracy? I believe so, and I contend it is the Democrats. Let me show you how.
The Constitution is the foundation of our Republic. We technically do not have a Democracy, but it is that term that people often use to describe our country. There are many ways that the Democrats are trying to subvert the Constitution, and that is what I will detail today.
1. The Filibuster. The Democrats want to abolish the Senate filibuster. The filibuster is what differentiates the Senate from the House. It requires most actions in the Senate to be determined by a two-thirds majority rather than a simple majority. The Senate is called the upper house or the deliberative body. With the Senate split 50-50 currently, there is little chance of passage of any Democrat initiatives unless the rules are modified. Chuck Schumer does not have the votes to eliminate the filibuster.
2. Electoral College. The forefathers put the electoral college into place to equalize the states regardless of their population. Without the electoral college, the states with the highest population would determine our federal elections. It is why we are a Republic of 50 states rather than a Democracy of one country. Without the electoral college, the voters of California, Texas, Florida, and New York would have enough votes to make the other 46 states irrelevant. The Democrats believe the electoral college is outdated, and they would love to have California and New York determine our President.
3. Federalize Elections. The Constitution gives the power to the states to control the election process. The Democrats ignore this fact and are trying to excite their base by lying about the laws passed by Red states to bolster the security of elections. They are resorting to terms like racism and Jim Crow to create a volatile situation between the Left and Right. It is futile but just another link in their chain to poison the Republican brand.
4. Stacking the Supreme Court. The Democrats are not happy with the current make-up of the Supreme Court. The Conservatives have an edge, and they feel this is a threat to many of their causes but primarily Abortion Rights. There have been many instances where states have tightened abortion laws, and they think Roe V. Wade is in peril. There has been chatter amongst Democrats of adding six justices to the court, and if done now, they would be Liberal. This would give the Left power of the high court for decades.
5. Adding Two States. The Dems want to add Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico as states. This would give them four more Senators and the majority in the Senate. There is no bipartisan support for either potential state, so this should be a dead issue.
6. Popular Vote Contract. Because they feel they will never change the electoral college, there has been a move to have states change how they pledge their electoral votes. Currently, the votes are based on the candidate who garners the most votes in the state. Many states have voted to ignore the votes of their people and pledge their electoral college votes to the Presidential candidate who wins the national vote. This method will be challenged in the courts but will muddy the system in the short term.
7. Age Limits and Non-Citizen Voting. These two are so bizarre, I have lumped them together. The Democrats want to see the voting age dropped to 16 and to have Green Card holders vote. There is no way to defend these Hail Mary changes. There is no way a 16-year-old is mature enough to make a decision in the voting booth, and voting must be reserved for citizens. Period.
These are seven ways the Democrats are trying to destroy this country. Let’s see if they have a list of Republican efforts. I think not.
Content syndicated from TheLibertyLoft.com with permission.