Company that Called Republicans Racists Now Begging for Help
Penzey’s Spices’ owner is feeling some pain after an ill-advised ad campaign besmirched all Republicans as racists and wanton murderers.
Penzey’s “All Republicans are Racist” sale on MLK day, was advertised in an email to customers in which the owner made several false claims about Republican voters including that they “raced out to buy a crapload of guns because maybe they were finally going to get their chance to shoot a Black person.”
Well, Mr. Penzey’s chickens have come home to roost.
The owner has admitted that his stunt cost the company 40,000+ subscribers to its email list – apparently a major source for orders. To deal with the loss of existing customers, Penzey begged anyone still receiving his kinda’ psycho, incredibly hateful email to help by “picking up a small stack of Gift Cards.”
Something important to note is that he lost 40,000+ subscribers that obviously opened and read his emails. Anyone who maintains a subscriber list knows that the open rate for subscribers is not high, about 22% for business-to-consumer emails, according to industry experts. That means less than a quarter of those subscribed actually read this kind of email. The rest end up in spam folders, eaten by gremlins, or just ignored. This move likely did more damage than Penzey admits and will hurt from some time to come.
So while Republicans are definitely not the kind of people he wants on his email list or ordering his products, he is somewhat descriptive in just what kind of people he does like.
“If you can’t even begin to fathom how to ‘compromise’ with January 6th, or the Republican vaccine lies needlessly killing 10,000 Americans every week, if you have no desire to become half-way racist, and if their intent to destroy our climate for one thousand years to come doesn’t have you asking: ‘What if we just destroyed it for five-hundred years instead?’ we would be better off with you on this Voice Of Cooking email list.”
In other words, crazy people.
Bill Penzey should have taken Michael Jordan’s famous business advice to heart:
“Republicans buy sneakers, too.”
Or in this case, spices.
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