Biden, Pelosi, Schumer Completely Out-of-Touch with Americans
The top Democrats in D.C. have decided that the economy is fine and that the federalization of elections and COVID are the most important things to American voters – Americans say otherwise.
Pelosi and COVID
Speaker Pelosi told “Face the Nation” Sunday that “COVID is at the center of it all” and that she looks “forward to our taking advantage of advances in science on this.”
In contrast, an AP-NORC poll shows only 37 percent of Americans name the coronavirus as one of their top five priorities in 2022. A year ago, more than half did. For a huge number of people in the U.S., COVID isn’t even close to “the center” of anything.
Schumer and the Filibuster
Majority Leader Schumer and the Democrats in the Senate have no idea what people want. They are desperately trying to pass the “For the People Act” which is little more than the federalization of our election process. To do so, they first want to abolish the Senate filibuster which will effectively turn the Senate into the high-schoolish mess that the House currently is.
But what do the people think?
An I&I/TIPP poll showed that 31% support ending the filibuster, 46% do not and another 23% weren’t sure. Furthermore, party affiliation had nothing to do with how they answered. 51% of Democrats support keeping the filibuster and 53% of Republicans held the same opinion.
Biden and the Supply Chain Crisis
President Biden told the nation last week that the grinch didn’t steal Christmas because his administration solved the supply chain crisis. If you wanted a Nintendo Switch, Sony PS5, cream cheese or a Christmas tree, things may not have seemed so plentiful. Many holiday foods were out-of-stock or in short supply and absolutely nothing was cheap.
The supply chain crisis continues even after the holidays. There are now a record 105 ships waiting to enter the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles.

And people all across the country are flooding social media with photos and videos of empty shelves where they shop.

So from the White House to Congress, Democrats are completely at odds with the people they serve and November is not that far away.
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They know they are out of touch… I do not believe they care. They are ensconced behind private walls; furthermore with Beijing and insider trading deals they take the money with three hands. They never represented American people and never will. Pelosi has to walk around with those eyebrows on top her forehead, he has poopie pants. I say that is a form of poetic justice, but God is their judge.