Editorial CartoonsFeatured
Terminator; Elder’s Revenge – A.F. Branco Cartoon

Commentary by R. Mitchell, editorial cartoon by A.F. Branco. See More @afbranco Toons HERE.
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Ill be back….
To lose to election fraud again while giving you false hope in a rigged system so you will not fight for your freedom until it’s too late.
Asta Lavista Common scum! Communism rules forever! Hail satan. Kill the common people with the eugenicist holy serum. Praise Fauci!
If you cannot see the hate on Elders face and the blackness in his soul (no pun intended, take it in context), then you probably deserve to die to his NWO pals. He’s playing you fools. Dont fall for the likes of this man over and over until you are destroyed. Look at their faces! There is something these devils all have in common. If you learn to discern it, you will see it in their faces. Dont pay attention to their words, which deceive. Watch what they do and how they present themselves. The signs are there.