America’s Weeping-Pussy President Must Go
It has become almost physically painful trying to watch our weeping-pussy president lie to the American people and blame Donald Trump for his every mistake, and then cry and bow his head because he’s too stupid and brain dead to be able to address the critical issues our nation is facing.
For a year and a half no deaths were reported in Afghan, and now that Biden has been president for a few months he gets a dozen or more military people killed because of his poorly-thought-out policies and military decisions. The man’s a fool.
As Joey was speaking on Thursday afternoon he gave us some John Wayne, tough-guy lingo by claiming that the deaths would be answered in the future, at a time and place of Joey’s choosing. This idiot president will never do anything to punish our enemy for the deaths of these brave Americans. What this fool man should have said to the stone age psychos who killed our American soldiers is:
A cruise missile has been launched and targeted at the American Embassy in Kabul. This missile will arrive at its destination in seven minutes. Have a nice eternity!
And then other missiles should be launched at whatever Taliban encampments we can locate, and then maybe they would believe that weepy Joe Biden means business and will do more then just talk mean for public consumption. But that will never happen.
During the Thursday speech, called to explain what went wrong in Afghanistan, Joey took time out to tell us a little story about his son, then he quoted from the Bible, and then he asked for a moment of silence for the dead Americans whose deaths he is responsible for, and then he bowed his head in complete retreat from his duty to defend this nation and its citizens.
I’m sorry, but a man who became president under fraudulent voting circumstances and who has been parading around mandating one idiotic order after another in contradiction to the constitution is not a person I can stomach nor have any compassion for. This old man should never have even been considered for the Oval Office, his family should be put in jail for abusing the old cogger, and his White House staff should all be fired and sent home to reflect on their participation in the traitorism that was the Biden Presidency.