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Democrats Use 4th to Complain About American Racism, Colonialism

On Sunday, Americans celebrated Independence Day for the 245th time since the nation’s eponymous declaration from the British crown. The Fourth is a holiday meant to be commemorated annually, in the words of founding father John Adams, “with pomp and parade, with shews, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward forever more.”

Adams’ words were prophetic in their foreshadowing of the reverence with which we rightfully hold Independence Day — the anniversary of the day on which America’s framers declared her a sovereign state and outlined a nation built on individualism, personal liberty, and the concept of rights bestowed upon men by their Creator. For many years, the vast majority of Americans of all political stripes were able to unify around the common notion that the nation’s founding, based on the self-evident truths outlined in its founding documents, was worthy of honor, commemoration, and annual celebration.

That was the case, at least, until Democrats had something to say about it.

For the modern left, the Fourth is an annual occurrence upon which the most opportunistic among them take to Twitter, CNN, and the opinion section of The New York Times to declare America’s foundation to be rooted in systemic oppression, racism, and colonialism, built on the back of slave labor and the spilled blood of natives.

The slightest inkling of evidence to support these claims, however, need not be procured — said procurement, predictably, is a rarity.

This is something that now happens every year without fail.

Among this year’s most notable left-wing scrawl is that of professional agitator-turned congresswoman Cori Bush (D-MO), who on Sunday tweeted out this heartwarmingly patriotic musing:

Cori Bush on Twitter: “When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people.This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free. / Twitter”

When they say that the 4th of July is about American freedom, remember this: the freedom they’re referring to is for white people.This land is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free.

Similar rhetoric echoed through the upper echelons of the Democratic Party, with Maxine Waters (D-CA) leaving us with this:

Maxine Waters on Twitter: “July 4th… & so, the Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal. Equal to what? What men? Only white men? Isn’t it something that they wrote this in 1776 when African Americans were enslaved? They weren’t thinking about us then, but we’re thinking about us now! / Twitter”

July 4th… & so, the Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal. Equal to what? What men? Only white men? Isn’t it something that they wrote this in 1776 when African Americans were enslaved? They weren’t thinking about us then, but we’re thinking about us now!

This, of course, is revisionist nonsense.

To declare the nation irreparably racist and its founding documents invalid because its institutions aren’t subject to your every political whim is not only foolish, but utterly morally reprehensible. Because, as Waters elaborates in a follow-up tweet, that is precisely what this is about — characterizing America and its institutions as fundamentally broken and racist, remedied only by the complete undermining of said institutions in favor of redistributionist policy designed to cater to the woke.

These contentions are common platitudes espoused by those on the left who explicitly seek to undermine the value of the republic’s founding principles. They bear no inherent value, but do bear repeating as catchall slogans that work their way into the mainstream thanks to the left’s stranglehold on American culture — which is why we will likely, yet again, be having this exact same conversation at this time next year.

Content syndicated from TheLibertyLoft.com with permission.

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One Comment

  1. How about that thunder thighs Lizzie Borden who turned her back on the anthem? She swings from the fugly tree with those spider lashes and painted lips. Kick her ash out of the Olympics; she is a third-rate wannabe and committed an offence more egregious than the marijuana smoker. Demonrat priorities are half-baked. She might should go back to the land of her ancestors. You know.. the ones whose chieftains sold her out while her countrymen did nothing. The ones still living in raggety ash huts. The truth always hurts. She was given an opportunity and shat on it. Send her overseas and leave her there.

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