70 Unaccompanied Illegal Alien Children Detained by Border Patrol Near the Rio Grande
EDINBURG, Texas – Rio Grande Valley Sector (RGV) Border Patrol agents recently encountered four large groups of illegal aliens.
On Wednesday, RGV agents working near the Rio Grande, encountered two large groups of illegal aliens shortly after they made entry into the United States. Agents working near La Grulla, Texas, encountered the first group of 120 individuals early in the morning. The group consisted of 46 family members and 14 unaccompanied alien children (UACs). Hours later in Hidalgo Texas, agents encountered a second group of 134 people, consisting of 37 family members and 32 UACs. Seven of the UACs in this group were under the age of 12.
This morning, McAllen Border Patrol agents working near La Joya, Texas, encountered two more groups totaling 148 people. These groups also consisted of mainly family members and UACs. Border Patrol agents continue seeing an increase in UAC encounters along the border. This fiscal year, RGV has seen a 114% increase in UAC apprehensions compared to the same time frame last year.
Border Patrol processed all subjects accordingly.
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