Sad Day: Conservative Legend Rush Limbaugh Dead at 70

Conservative radio legend Rush Limbaugh died Wednesday morning from complications due to his battle with lung cancer.
Kathryn Limbaugh, Rush’s wife made the announcement on his radio show Wednesday saying that he had passed earlier in the morning.
For long-time listeners, I would only have to say “mega-dittos” and all the compliments given during the opening seconds of every phone call would be instantly reiterated – the widespread respect for him instantly known.
For those less in-the-know:
Limbaugh forged a new style of radio. His approach of educating and informing while being entertaining brought in a massive audience from all walks of life and from both political parties. He sought to teach without being condescending, critique without ad hominem attacks, and go deeper than anyone else in the industry.

Rush didn’t just read political articles or re-hash quotes from pundits, he offered his opinion of why they wrote what they wrote, said what they said, and did what they did. He wanted his audience to learn to look behind the words, around the deeds and understand what was really going on.
He helped many, including me, become truly skeptical.
- n. A doubting or questioning attitude or state of mind; dubiety. synonym: uncertainty.
- n. The ancient school of Pyrrho of Elis that stressed the uncertainty of our beliefs in order to oppose dogmatism.
In other words, he taught us to question .. everything.
Rush – Maha-Rushi, Rushbo, the Doctor of Democracy – will be missed. And the talent loaned to him by God … has been returned – with interest.
Mr. Limbaugh, go well into the arms of the Lord and, if you can, say hey to my little sister.
Rush Hudson Limbaugh III was 70 years old.
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We are better for having known you.
You are already missed. Your light and your legacy still shines for us.
You are attacked by the establishment in death because they could not defeat you in life.
“There’s a good reason for the media hating me…One of the toughest things I had to do was learn to psychologically accept the fact that being hated was a sign of success”–Rush Limbaugh.
Heaven is even better with your arrival and your passing from us, though you still live with us in our hearts.
I remember your words of wisdom. I remember your last show. A caller presumed to lecture you-you responded with grace and dignity. The caller was defending someone caught a few days later ; they had been lying. You were proven right, AGAIN – as always. I heard the sadness in your voice at not being able to help this misguided person – which was your mission, tirelessly persued until your last breath.
I waited for your return and next show, but you did not & did not claim your “I told you so” – you are bigger than that. You were the best of human kind and an inspiration. I will never forget your humility, kindness, insight and truly great heart.
Until we meet again – Mega Dittos, and prayers for the Limbaugh family which includes many of us across the nation.
RIP, Rush. You will be sorely missed.