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WTH?: State Department Website Shows Trump and Pence’s Terms Ending Monday Night

Editor’s Note: We will continue to follow this story until State offers a believable explanation. Also, 7:49 p.m. on Monday came and went without anything of note occurring. As of 1:50 PM Wednesday, both bio pages are still gone.

It’s difficult to comprehend why President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence’s biographies on the U.S. Department of State’s website showed a claim that their terms would end Monday night, but they did.

President Trump’s bio is empty and shows his term ending at 7:49 p.m. on January 11, 2021:

And it appears that Vice President Mike Pence’s term also ended Monday night, albeit five minutes earlier:

Shortly after we published this article, we refreshed the president’s page to see if there was an update. Nope, but things aren’t going well:

Then, at about 5:45 p.m. EST, the State Department website began redirecting both Trump and Pence’s biography pages to the home page. In other words, the president and vice president’s bios are gone.

So if you’re wondering who would be president until January 20 since Pence is supposedly out, it’s Speaker Nancy Pelosi according to the Presidential Line of Succession.

Honestly, a hack or disgruntled employee are the most likely reasons for the erasure of both Trump and Pence’s biographies and the oddly chosen timestamp for the end of their terms, but without a State Department statement, it’s hard to say. And, State isn’t commenting just yet.

Discovery of the modified bios came just after confusion over a supposed Trump appearance set for Monday afternoon. First, Fox News said he would “speak” at 1:30 p.m. EST, then changed the time to 3:15 p.m. and inserted a stream of President-elect Biden getting his second vaccination instead. Then, the event just disappeared from existence – no explanation was given.

The following questions have been sent to the State Department for comment and we will update this article and/or write a new one to update this story:

  1. Does the State Department usually maintain biography pages for the president and vice president?
  2. Were the biography pages originally posted by the State Department and subsequently vandalized?
  3. If the State Department did not post the end of term messages, does the department know how they got there?
  4. Why were the Trump and Pence bios completely removed from the website? (both URLs now redirect to the homepage)

5. Is State planning to restore the biographies? If so, when? If not, why not?
6. I could not locate biography pages for any other presidents/vice presidents. Were they removed or did they never exist?

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. The CCCP backed DNC is trying to censor and punish all that have supported legitimate President Trump..Bring it on Satan’s army of sheep..the revolution is beginning and you will pay dearly!

  2. Could it mean that he’s signed the Insurrection Act? Then wouldn’t the military be in control? Just a thought. Not exactly sure how all of that officially works.

  3. This is completely childish, irrational behavior by ALLEGED intelligent humans!!! The FASCISTS are taking over our country by leaps and bounds!!! Are “WE THE PEOPLE” just going to Sit and Watch it happen?????????

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