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WATCH: President Trump Delivers “Most Important Speech” Ever – 12/2/20 [Full Video]
President Donald Trump delivered a speech Tuesday that he referred to as “the most important speech” he’s ever made.
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Those are the FACTS…. Jack!
Thank you, CDN for posting this. YouTube deleted it from their site.
Very good speech, very factual, and very much needed to be told. The Dums knew that we knew what they were up to but they still went ahead with their dastardly plan and succeeded. It’s difficult to admit that there were so many people, Dums and Repubs, willing to break the laws to help them do this crime. That doesn’t give this country much to be hopeful for in the future when so many will do so much against the rest of the people of our country. Sad state of affairs.
where is the sound?????????????????????? everywhere i go there is no sound!!!!!!!
Where can you see an uncut version of the presidents speech? This one is obviously hacked to pieces …. thank you
That’s the entire 46-minute speech – no edits that we’re aware of.
@R. Mitchell – There’s a “dissolve” around the 37-minute mark (sorry—had trouble pausing the vid to get the exact time index; but keep an eye on President Trump’s face). There may be others; but that’s one thing that stood out.
I was hoping our President would call for a re-vote. Such an important speech!—and yet only 5,700 views?? If it weren’t for all the spam ads on this site, there could’ve easily been more. (i.e., it took awhile to find this).
Anyway, the $64,000 unanswered question is, where do we go from here?
Here is a link to the video: