Portland Police Attacked by Violent Group – again…
Police officers in Portland, Oregon, were again attacked by violent extremists on Tuesday as shown in a video hosted on MRCtv.
The extremists had just taken over a few blocks of city and private property to erect a base camp – something they call an ‘autonomous zone’.
Watching the video, it is impossible to refer to this as a peaceful protest or even a legal protest. But, taking over property, erecting barricades that prevent normal travel, and attacking law enforcement is at the core of the group’s antics.
It’s unclear what the group’s goals are other than to incite violence, cause destruction, foster intolerance and spread lawlessness.
As city leadership has failed to curtail these attacks on private property, public property and law enforcement, companies and citizens have little choice but to flee.
The co-president of the Downtown Development Group, Greg Goodman, sent a letter to Mayor Ted Wheeler saying that the number of businesses leaving Portland is, “like nothing I have seen in 42 years of doing business in downtown.”
Goodman also told Wheeler that the blame for the exodus from Portland “does have most everything to do with the lawlessness you are endorsing downtown.”
The list of major employers exiting the area include Daimler Trucks North America, Airbnb, Banana Republic, Microsoft, Saucebox, and Google, and more according to Goodman.
Restaurants and shops in the downtown area have also shut with the violence and lockdowns making survival impossible.

Reports of destruction and closures go back far into last year and Mayor Wheeler isn’t doing much to stop it.
This sad state of affairs seems doomed to play out again in the Democrat party bastions of Los Angeles and New York City.
Los Angeles incoming District Attorney has promised not to prosecute those charged with trespassing, prostitution, theft, or resisting arrest and pledged to get rid of cash bail.
New York City allows protests, violent and otherwise, to continue while clamping down on legal businesses and church-goers.
According to a report by the New York Times, stores and restaurants have left the city due to the lockdowns and the extremely high costs of doing business there.
“There’s no reason to do business in New York,” Michael Weinstein, chief executive of Ark Restaurants – the parent company for Bryant Park Grill & Café – told The Times. “I can do the same volume in Florida in the same square feet as I would have in New York, with my expenses being much less.”
In the retail trade alone, New York State has lost more than 200,000 jobs, according to the New York Department of Labor.
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