How to Identify A Racist
The Biden administration is considering race, ethnicity, gender and sexual identity as they fill their cabinet slots, because they want to be the most diverse administration in history. The obvious problem is that the cabinet candidates are all leftist, Harvard or Yale graduates who believe in big government, and that makes for a lack of diversity so far as personnel makeup goes.
The way you can identify a racist is by identifying the person who insists on talking about race (or gender, or national origin or sexual identity) first and foremost, to the exclusion of nearly any other quality or difference between people, especially when it comes to hiring employees, or cabinet members for the Biden administration. Skin color is very important to leftist Democrats, and it doesn’t matter what special skills a person has or the very diverse experiences of members of the American population. If Democrats can state that they are hiring a non-white or non-male person for a position, they’ll jump at the chance, regardless of what superior qualifications the excluded person possesses. The very fact that race, or sex or whatever else, is the first consideration of the Biden decision-making staff, proves that they are racists, and that race is always on their minds. And although skin color and biological body construction are the obvious things Democrats and everyone else can readily see, it’s the similarities of ideology and belief in government control that brings Democrats together as a racist and close-minded community to select one another for important government jobs that require political discipline.
It may be tacky to mention it, but Joe Biden is perhaps the most fish-belly-white, non-female, non-sexual-identifying-person ever to be selecting the members of a presidential cabinet, and although he could have stepped aside and allowed one of his more “diverse“ political allies run for the presidency, he didn’t do it, did he? Any thinking person would submit that Donald Trump is diametrically diverse from Joe Biden if real diversity is what you’re really looking for, but Joey ran against Trump, not for him, so the lie of the “diversity“ dogma lives loudly within Joe Biden.
So how much of a believer in this “diversity“ thing can Biden be? His own selfish desire to be the big kahuna easily overcame his political discipline and his consideration of, and admiration for, diversity, and he promoted himself instead of allowing a perhaps more diverse, whatever the hell that means, Democrat to run for the White House.
The bottom line is that Joe Biden is running for president in a state of mental unbalance and at least some physical questionability. He stutters and stammers and is unintelligible with nearly any verbal message he tries to utter. He is obviously a stand-in for someone to later actually rule as the president when Joey finally cracks, most likely Kamala Harris, but who knows for sure? The man’s picks for his cabinet are straight from Barack Obama, and the prediction that he is a place-holder for the third Obama administration seems very likely, because Joe can’t object to anything Obama wants, and as the real-life head of the Democrat party, Obama will run any show the Democrats try to put on. The diversity/racist issues that Democrats tout as being the only criteria of importance when selecting a cabinet are laughable and dangerous for the nation, as these authoritarian fools lay their plans to loot this once free and happy nation.