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Watch: President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump Participate in Veterans Day Observance – 11/11/20
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump visit Arlington National Cemetery Wednesday to participate in a wreath-laying ceremony during the National Veterans Day Observance.
The event is scheduled to begin at 11:00 a.m. EST.
Live Stream of the 2020 National Veterans Day Observance at Arlington National Cemetery
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Very disappointing the President had no words to share on such an important occasion, this national holiday of remembrance honoring American veterans.
That was so moving and reverential. Those servicemen standing there ram-rod straight at attention, completely oblivious to the downpour; and our President, offering up a silent prayer before he respectfully touches the flowers. Mournful “Taps” played as a farewell while the skies cry. Beautiful tribute.
And imagine if that obese self absorbed orange fool hadn’t been late and missed 11:11, but I’m glad he has people like you because his pecker can’t smoke itself you know.