Trump Campaign Requests Recount in Wisconsin
President Donald Trump’s campaign announced Wednesday that it will be requesting a recount in Wisconsin.
“Depite ridiculous public polling used as a voter suppression tactic, Wisconsin has been a razor thin race as we always knew that it would be,” Trump Campaign Manager Bill Stepien said in a statement. “There have been reports of irregulatities in several Wisconsin counties which raise serious doubts about the validity of the results.”
“The President is well within the threshold to requet a recount and we will immediately do so,” he added.
At 1:00 p.m. EST on Wednesday, Wisconsin had counted all but 27,800 votes with Biden leading Trump by just over 20,000 or 0.6%. In any race where the margin is below 1%, a recount can be requested by either candidate. The candidate requesting the recount pays all costs for the effort unless the margin is .25% or below.
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