President Trump To Announce Supreme Court Decision Saturday. Dems Try To Block

At his rally in Ohio on Monday and again at his rally in Pennsylvania on Tuesday President Trump said he would announce his pick for Supreme Court Justice to fill RBG’s seat on Saturday around 7 pm. Trump has released a list of five judges and the most favored is Amy Barrett.

Barrett is in for a rough time as the left is already sharpening their claws particularly Kamala Harris who is the worst one and most liberal senator in the senate and gave Judge Kavanaugh such a rough time. They are threatening to impeach Trump again if he makes an announcement and Nancy Pelosi has told an interviewer that they can impeach him every day of the week if they want. These are truly sick people like Trump has said in his rallies.

Trump laughs it off saying, “They are trying to impeach me for carrying out my lawful constitutional duties.” Throughout history, there have been 29 times when there was a supreme court seat had to be filled during an election year and it was always done by the sitting president at the time.
The left in the senate and media are already attacking Barrett for her religious beliefs being a catholic saying she won’t be able to judge fairly and will let her religion stand in the way particularly when it comes to abortion even though Pelosi and Biden are both Catholic.
Meanwhile, senate democrats, particularly Kamala Harris, have already put forth their idea of packing the Supreme Court with 13-15 judges of their choosing. This would rubber-stamp any law they want to be passed since libs love to legislate from the bench rather than letting the court decide decisions. Biden has refused to acknowledge whether he agrees with this or not. He probably doesn’t even know what is going on. Joe Biden said that he would not release a list of potential Supreme Court nominees like President Trump has, arguing the rejection of nomination norms could politicize the court and subject those on the list to unnecessary attacks. “It’s no wonder they ask that I release the list only after she passed away. It is a game for them. It is a play to gin up emotions and anger. There’s a reason why no other candidate than President Trump has ever done such a thing,” Biden said.

Like President Trump says, “These are sick people,”
The Democrats are already getting desperate to prevent President Donald Trump and the Republican-controlled Senate from appointing a new Supreme Court Justice to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Only hours after her passing was announced on Saturday, Democrats took to social media and the airwaves to caution the president against even thinking about pushing through confirmation before election day. Now, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has weighed in on the matter, and she issued a rather interesting threat to the president and his attorney general.

On Monday, Ocasio-Cortez told reporters that House Democrats might impeach Trump and Attorney General William Barr to stall the nomination of a new Supreme Court justice. She said:“I believe that certainly, there has been an enormous amount of lawbreaking in the Trump administration. I believe that Attorney General Barr is unfit for office and that he has pursued potentially lawbreaking behavior.”
She continued, “That being said, these are procedures and decisions that are largely up to House Democratic leadership. But I believe that also we must consider, again, all of the tools available to our disposal and that all of these options should be entertained and on the table.”
The lawmaker’s comments are in line with remarks that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made on Sunday, intimating that House Democrats could again pursue impeachment to stop the nomination process. “We’ve taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. We have a responsibility to meet the needs of the American people. When we weigh the equities of protecting our democracy, that requires us to use every arrow in our quiver,” she said.
Nevertheless, it appears that Trump and Republicans are undaunted by the threats. The president already stated that he would be announcing his pick on Saturday. On Sunday, he indicated that he would be nominating a woman to replace Ginsburg. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell also affirmed that the Senate would be holding a vote on the nominee in this current session.
They also indicated that if Trump continues with the nomination process, they will pack the Supreme Court with more justices in 2021. If they really want to honor their idol Justice Ginsburg then they will not want to pack the Supreme Court since Ginsburg stated that nine members are enough and packing it is a bad idea.
While all this fighting is going on plans for RBG’s body to be displayed have been made.
The body of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will lie in repose at the Supreme Court this week, with arrangements to allow for public viewing despite the coronavirus pandemic, the court said Monday.
Ginsburg’s casket will be on public view Wednesday and Thursday under the portico at the top of the court’s iconic steps in front of the building.
Public viewing is expected to last from 11 a.m. EDT to 10 p.m. EDT Wednesday and 9 a.m. EDT to 10 p.m. EDT Thursday, the court said. Congress made similar arrangements for a public viewing outside the Capitol after the death of Rep. John Lewis in July.
A private ceremony will take place at the court on Wednesday morning for the justices, Ginsburg’s family and friends.
In addition, Ginsburg’s body also will lie in state Friday in Statuary Hall at the Capitol and a private ceremony will be held there, too,.
Ginsburg will be buried next week at Arlington National Cemetery, beside her husband Martin, in a private service, the court said.