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OH JOE… Joe Biden Claims 6,000 Military Members Dead From COVID. The Real Number Is 7

Democratic 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden said Wednesday that more than 6,000 military members have died from coronavirus, Department of Defense (DOD) statistics show the real number is just seven deaths.

While speaking in Michigan on Wednesday, Biden significantly overstated both the number of COVID infections in the military, as well as the number of COVID deaths.

“Military COVID infected: 118,984,” Biden said while reading out a list of statistics. “Military COVID deaths: 6,114.”

Both of those numbers are wrong. 

DOD statistics show that the number of recorded coronavirus infections in the military is just over 40,000, with just seven deaths.

Department of Defense

It’s not clear where Biden got the erroneous numbers. His campaign didn’t immediately return the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment on the errors.

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