Editorial Cartoons
Who’s In Your Wallet – Goodwyn Cartoon
There is only one type of green the left’s climate change agenda is after.
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IF and I say IF Americans are so STUPID as to elect a Demorrhoid we can kiss our republic good bye
There is no such thing as free stuff
Things that don’t exist
• White privilege
• White Nationalism
• More than two genders
• Places where gun control works
• Places where socialism has worked
• Safe places
• Free speech in Muslim controlled nations
• Law abiding illegal immigrants
• Tolerant Leftopathic LIEberals
• Toxic masculinity
• A lieberal with a brain
• Free speech on college campuses
• Honest Democrats
• Lieberals who have common sense
• A Democrat who isn’t a racist
• A Patriotic Democrat
• A Democrat who isn’t treasonous
Left Right Left Right. The Debt Masters have the Tax Cows mooing in lockstep for one criminal or the other.