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Four of the Best Marketing Campaigns that went Viral

The impact of a good marketing campaign on the universe is huge. We have seen a number of such campaigns that made a huge impact in the world. They went viral, in every country mostly for the interest of the general public they sparked. No one can deny how addictive an activity could be once it gets in trend. But who sets the trend? How does one strategically set a trend? There is a lot of knowledge involved in the whole process. One needs to dive into the mind of their audience in order to come up with a great idea that he believes will set a social trend and interest maximum people.

For viral marketing campaigns, there are some very specific things that one should keep in mind before crafting a campaign. Here are some suggestions to consider:

Catchy Hashtags

You need to make catchy hashtags so that you attract attention. It should not be too long. It should be provocative. Puns work best when it comes to making hashtags. You can also go bilingual with them but that would limit its reach. For that matter, we suggest that you remain focused on one language i.e. English.


You need to brainstorm at this point, perhaps, the most. It is the part that decides how far could your campaign go. It decides your audience and, in fact, it rotates the view of your audience. The idea should be impactful and convincing. The idea of your campaign will show the intent of your services which is why you need to bring into your attention a number of things like morals, ethics, cultural factors. How does the campaign affect people, why one should follow it and, most importantly, what does he reap at the end of the end – what is the byproduct of the whole endeavor. If the campaign is for a social cause, the chances are, it will go places. If it is just promoting your brand, people may lose interest in following it; they might be convinced into buying your service, but that is it to it, The whole idea of a campaign is to involve people in an activity so to make a bond—a connection with the customer. That is how you make loyal clients who remain with you through thick and thin, except when you lose the quality of your service you leave them with no other choice.

Theme and Color

Once you have finalized an attractive idea, the next thing you do is decide a theme and the color. Because your campaign will float around through social media, you definitely need to set colors and themes while materializing your idea on the screen. The sparkling the colors, the more the reach. Visuals are definitely extremely important when it comes to social media platforms. You certainly need to consider the quality of your image, the colors and the words you decide for your campaign. To make this whole thing possible, you definitely need a creative team and the perfect tools. You may as well not overlook the power of a good internet connection that can only make this whole activity possible.

Here are a few examples of great marketing campaigns that got famous around the world and everyone loved them:


Before the Olympics started in Rio, Kelloggs started a campaign to mark 100 days countdown. Many celebrities from Brazil, and outside it, participated in the campaign and got their audience into following the Olympics. But the campaign did no longer remain restricted to Olympics. Days after the Olympics were over, people started using it for other reasons as well. For example, they would use the hashtag to illustrate the other activities from the day. People would take a picture of a coffee mug and paste it on their social media to illustrate the meaning of a great start. Then some of the people started using it sarcastically, like when the received a text of a cancelled plan from a friend, they took the screenshot and posted it on their social media with the hashtag. The success of a great campaign can be calculated by the reach in the audience it receives – the popularity. If you have got some celebrities to follow the trend, most of your job will be done.


The hashtag speaks for itself. Coca Cola came up with this idea with the incentive to inculcate the attribute of “sharing” with others. It connected people straightforwardly for its sentimental motive – which is a great idea when it comes to crafting marketing campaigns for a big company. It makes the audience believe that the brand is not all about making money, it is much more than that. This does not mean that the brand completely overlooks its own profit. The smart way is only to do both at once. For example, if you closely observe how it worked, you’d see the company made a huge profit from it by making people buy the coke with the customized printed names of their loved ones on it. This made the whole activity personal as well as attractive to be followed.


If you still put this hashtag in the search engine of Instagram, there will be a group of people somewhere in the world still performing this activity and tagging their friends to participate in it. It is not their fault, the campaign was so much fun that it went viral for years, though at its peak at a specific time. ALS Association came up with this idea in 2014 to spread awareness about Lou Gehrig’s disease. Their motive was to raise money for the victims suffering through the disease. Many celebrities participated in this challenge which made the whole activity fun and interesting but at the same time alarming to those who actually did it and realized the pain of the sufferers.



Of course, the last one is this one that RYU created to spark curiosity in the minds of the public who would want to see the products that were in the bag of its bearer. RYU, the clothing brand, started out by inciting people to share an inside picture of their bag to show whatever belongings they kept in their bags.


After completing her English Literature degree in 2017, Sijdah, set out for a professional career as a Content Marketer at Spectrum Deals so she could feed all 7 of her cats and work towards her ambition of opening an animal shelter one day. 

She works as a social worker as well as a cat whisperer in her free time – contributing to spreading awareness about child and animal abuse

She also aspires to be an author/ poet like Sylvia Plath and Charlotte Bronte. You can connect with her via LinkedInFacebookTwitter or Instagram.

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