Russian Election Tampering: Who Were The Beneficiaries And Who Stopped The Tampering?
Democrats continue to squeal about Donald Trump being elected to the presidency in 2016 and claim that Russia’s involvement in the election was the cause of Trump’s win over Hillary Clinton.
One large problem with this theory, that the Democrats never bring up, is that Barack Obama was the president in 2016 and that his FBI and his State Department were spying, illegally, on the Trump campaign staff, and after two years of investigation by Robert Mueller there was never any evidence presented or discovered that Trump had any involvement with Russia in any collusive way to assure his election win.
And on top of that fact, which is contrary to the Democrat claim that President Trump is working with Vladimir Putin to assure Republican wins in all elections, the Democrats won a majority of seats in the House of Representatives in the 2018 election, so one wonders if we can now assume that the Democrats are scheming with Russia to win elections.
One could almost make a logical assertion that with the Democrat win in 2018, it appears that President Trump has halted any tampering that Russia may have been doing in our elections, and that Democrats were the beneficiaries of Trump’s having fixed the imagined Russian election tampering that Democrats have been getting their knickers all in a twist about these last two years, which is something Barack Obama was incapable of doing during his term of presidency.
Democrats should just say “Thanks, President Trump“!