How to Get Your Article Published on a News Website

Every writer wants his work to be noticed. News websites allow writers to publish their views. They have a good number of readers, which can give you the exposure you need. That said, news sites usually have a strict screening process. Their editors won’t publish your article until it meets a certain standard. This article is a guide for those who want their writing to be published on a news website.
Email Your Proposal
First of all, make sure the site allows external writers to publish their articles. They usually have a page for writers like you. Write a proposal with a brief description of what you want to publish. Your email should include the title and outline of your article. Start working only if they approve it. You can send them more than one options to choose from.
Get the Editorial Guidelines
Once they agree to the topic, ask them for their editorial guidelines. Many sites have their own rules of writing which you must abide. See if you can find these instructions on their website. If you can’t, only then email the support.
Write What You are Expert at
Instead of randomly picking a topic, select a subject that you know well. Readers will feel a touch of experience in your writing if you are expert at what you share. Another way is to select a trending subject because such articles are more likely to be accepted.
Start with Research
Even if you know a lot, don’t start without doing your research on the subject. Validate your knowledge with reference and find interesting facts and stats to add in your article. You have to do some digging before starting; it’s the primary research. You also have to do some secondary research when writing in order to add relevant information and references.
Find a Professional for Editing
This step comes at the end once you are have completed your work. Acquire the help of a professional to edit your article; this will significantly improve the chances of its acceptance. There are online platforms like PayForEssay that offer custom writing services. Their experienced writers understand the requirements of news sites and will tailor your article accordingly. See the changes made in editing and learn from them.
Understand Your Audience
Know who you are writing for before doing anything else. Every writer has to brainstorm and understand his audience to write relevant content which connects to them. As a web news writer, your articles have to be engaging and persuasive. An audience persona will help you accomplish these goals.
Write to Express, Not Impress
Many new writers make the mistake of trying to impress readers by choice of their words. This is an outdated method which is a definite fail in web content writing. Your writing should be expressive or you will lose readers’ interest.
Proofreading is Really Important
Do not underestimate proofreading. I would proofread my writing five times if I could, and still make changes in the sixth copy. There are always some mistakes, and you will undoubtedly find something to improve.