Syndicated PostsWhite House Watch
President Trump to Hold MAGA Rally in Pennsylvania Monday
President Donald Trump will hold a Make America Great Again rally in Montoursville, Pennsylvania, Monday evening.
The president is ramping up the rally schedule as momentum builds for the 2020 election.
The rally will be held at the Energy Aviation Hangar. Doors will open at 4:00 p.m. EDT and the rally is scheduled to begin at 7:00 p.m. EDT.
Crowds are typically over-capacity for MAGA rallies so reserve your tickets and get there early if you plan to go in-person. Live streams of the event will be posted Monday for those unable to attend.
Schedule, Location and Ticket Information for President Trump’s MAGA Rally in Montoursville, PA 5/20/19
Doors open at 4:00 PM EDT – Event starts at 7:00 PM
Energy Aviation Hangar
720 Airport Road
Montoursville, PA 17754
Tickets are available for free HERE.
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PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP is doing a awesome job so far with all the resistence from the other side of the isle if only the democrats would help with things that all people are concerned with jobs security the the trouble at the border even in the east coast there are illegal gang members I live in a small town where lou barrleta was mayor at one time is crime ridden people don’t even go downtown anymore what a waste for thise who pay taxes and like to get out there are no and I mean no stores left because nobody wants to be there why should we be outsiders in a town where my grandparents parents and know im a grandfather and I would never even let them close to Hazleton so to all who are fighting against Trump should step up and do their jobs and and get something done im going o the rally in PA Monday in full support for our President god bless the USA