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Judge Jeanine Won’t Return to Fox News Until at Least March 30

After being pulled off the schedule last week, Fox News Host Jeanine Pirro won’t return to the air this Saturday either.

This weekend’s Fox News schedule shows the network repeating the Scandalous episode on the William Kennedy Smith rape trial in Pirro’s usual 9 p.m. EDT timeslot.

Jeanine’s absence this week is a continuance of Fox News punishing the popular conservative for her remarks about Rep. Ilhan Omar’s anti-semitism.

Fox News does not comment on scheduling decisions so it is unclear if Pirro will return on the 30th, but that is the soonest her fans should expect to see her on-the-air.

Fox News has made a series of odd political moves in recent weeks with the suspension of Pirro and the addition of former DNC Chair Donna Brazile as a contributor – both of which have angered a key segment of their audience.

Brazile is previously thought to have given the Hillary Clinton campaign questions ahead of a CNN-hosted town hall.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. What the heck is Fox doing? Are they caving in to the leftists? Jeanine. has an excellent program. She speaks the truth and speaks for many of us. I feared Fox was going to fall into the wrong hands and it appears it has and now we’re seeing signs of that. Sad. Very, very sad and disappointing!

  2. FNC had been the only news channel in our home for over 20 years. After noticing more and more liberal guests and contributors attacking American values and our President, we started watching less and less. After the suspension of Judge Jeanine Pirro and the hiring of a known liar and cheat from CNN Donna Brazile FNC is no longer watched in our home. We deleted their app in our phones as well. We are very disappointed to see Fox go down the toilet trying to cater to a more liberal audience. No more.

  3. Totally disgusting! What can us “mid Americans” do to bring back judge Jeanine ? I miss this gutsy woman . She only states the truth, may not be always politically correct, but dam honest ! Then to put Brazile ! Totally disgusting!!!

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