Candace Owens Says Conservatives Have Lost The Culture War
Candace Owens opened up day two at CPAC speaking about the left’s dominance in pop-culture and asking questions about minority politics that are rarely ever covered in the mainstream media.
“If you want to have intellectual discussions and you want to have a debate there’s no place for you on the left,” Owens said. “In fact, they will actively try to destroy you the way they have tried to destroy me over the last two years.”
Owen’s political journey began on YouTube when she started asking questions that other minority Americans were not.
“I started asking myself different questions,” Owens said. “How on earth is it possible that a party that instituted slavery, Jim Crow Laws, racial terrorism and the KKK has the black vote?”
Conservatives gave up culture, that’s how, says Owens. “Over the course of the last 50 and 60 years it seems that we’ve given up influence in pop-culture altogether on the right,” said Owens.
Owens says it is understandable, however, because there couldn’t be an environment more hostile to conservative principles than the entertainment industry.
She brought up The View’s, Joy Beyhar, who mocked Vice President Pence over his Christian values, and 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris, who pandered to the African-American community by saying she smoked pot and listened to hip-hop music while she was in college.
Since the left has “infested” culture “at every single layer,” according to Owens, it’s practically impenetrable by the right.
“In fact you’d probably be chased out of Hollywood if you start to perpetuate conservative principles,” she said.
Owens finds it confusing when other conservatives perfer Donald Trump to stop, or at least minimize, his twitter activity. “I’m mind-boggled by that. I’m like, do you understand the reason he won is because he tweets,” she said.
The president’s ability to maneuver around the “leftist sphere of media” is a huge part of his success, Owens thinks. “[The President’s] understanding of social media and how to communicate is brilliant, and we should be embracing people that do understand it, and are able to effectively communicate conservative messages.”
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