President Trump Declares Border A National Emergency
Reagan – We have a border crisis
Bush Sr. – We have a border crisis
Clinton – We have a border crisis
Bush Jr. – We have a border crisis
Obama – We have a border crisis
Trump – Hey, let’s build a wall & solve the border crisis
Libs – OMG! Trump manufactured this border crisis!
— credit: Educating Liberals @Education4Libs Feb 6
In a Rose Garden press conference featuring Angel moms and dads in the front row holding pictures of their children killed by illegals, President Donald Trump announced a national emergency to allow him to spend $8 billion building his wall after signing a bill to avoid a government shutdown after a bitter standoff with Congress.
There are currently 30 national emergencies in effect, according to the service, including those related to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the Iraq war. President George W. Bush declared 13 national emergencies, and President Obama declared 12.
Democratic leaders in Congress condemned President Donald Trump on Friday as he announced a national emergency declaration that gives him the power to build a long-promised border wall with money lawmakers never earmarked for that purpose.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer claimed in a joint statement that there is no ‘crisis’ on the U.S.-Mexico border, and threatened to defend the spending power of Congress with every tool at their command.
No crisis at the border?’ When thousands of gang members come into this country, thousands of dangerous drugs come into this country, when criminals and diseases come into this country and these illegals bring trafficked sex slaves into the country I’d call that an emergency. Just last week our border guards stopped a truck with enough illegal fentanyl to kill 52 million people and a person carrying A flesh eating disease.
In Another bust at the border Federal authorities say they stopped a drug operation that was prepared to supply New Jersey with enough drugs to kill 2.4 million – roughly one-third of the state’s population.
Two men were arrested this week for their roles in shipping more than 30 pounds of crystal methamphetamine and conspiring to send an additional 5 kilos – or 11 pounds – of fentanyl into New Jersey, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced Thursday.
The Drug Enforcement Administration says a dosage of 2 milligrams of fentanyl is typically considered lethal. And Pelosi and Schumer say there is no crisis at the border?
During his opening statement, Trump mentioned the angel moms and dads who were in attendance and had them stand up and show the rest of the press the pictures of their sons and daughters who were killed by illegals, “We have removed thousands of MS13 members out of the country.” Trump stated.
Trump also stressed the success he has made with China and North Korea saying when he first came into office former President Obama told him he was ready to go to war with North Korea. Since that time Trump has become friends with Kim and had him stop firing rockets and missiles over Japan and stopped his nuclear testing. The two will meet in Hanoi, Vietnam at the end of this month. He also has become good friends and relations with President Che of China and thanks to the tariffs he put on China billions and billions of dollars are coming back into the country. Trump also stated how our military was depleted when he came into office and now we are building up our military to be the best in the world with new state of the art equipment, jets and weapons.
Following his statement, Trump took questions from the press whom he loves sparring with.
Trump pointed to an ABC reporter to ask a question at the same time an NBC reporter spoke. Trump said, “Go ahead ABC. I like ABC a little better than NBC, not much just a little. Pretty close.”
The reporter asked how he feels his Democrat opponents will respond to his signing emergency legislation. Trump responded saying he will probably get sued, but shouldn’t and he will probably take it to the supreme court and will win there, “We have an invasion of drugs and criminals coming into our country and if you don’t have a border, you don’t have a country,” Trump explained, “We defend countries all around the world for their borders, but not ours. The new USMCA will pay for the wall indirectly.”
CNN’s Jim Acosta who Trump has had run-ins with before asked a question about the disconnect Trump has with the media and facts that show border crossings are down and violence, and crime are at record lows.
“Do you really believe that?’ Trump asked Acosta.
Acosta responded by saying, ‘What do you say to your critics who say you are creating a national emergency?”
Trump told Acosta just to ask these angel moms and dads who lost their children if they think there isn’t a crisis. You have an agenda. You’re CNN. You’re fake news.”
Responding to a question from NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell about the influence wielded by various conservative media figures, the president invoked Ann Coulter’s name after citing Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh.
President Donald Trump has taken heavy criticism from Ann Coulter in recent weeks. On Friday, he responded by saying that he likes her, but considers her to be “off the reservation.”
“Ann Coulter, I don’t know her. I hardly know her. I haven’t spoken to her in way over a year,” Trump said. “But the press loves saying, ‘Ann Coulter.’ Probably if I did speak to her, she’d be very nice. I just don’t have the time to speak to her. I would speak to her. I have nothing against her. In fact, I like her for one reason. When they asked her right at the beginning, ‘Who’s going to win the election?’ She said, ‘Donald Trump.’ And the two people that asked her that question smiled. They said, ‘You’re kidding, aren’t you?’ Nope. Donald Trump. So I like her.”
Then came the qualifier.
“But she’s off the reservation,” Trump said. “But anybody that knows her understands that. But I haven’t spoken to her. I don’t follow her. I don’t talk to her.”
Earlier in his remarks, the presided lauded Hannity and Limbaugh but said they do not control his agenda.
“Sean Hannity has been a terrific, terrific supporter of what I do,” he said. “Not of me. If I changed my views, he wouldn’t be with me. Rush Limbaugh, I think he’s a great guy. He can speak for three hours without a phone call. He’s got one of the biggest audiences in the history of the world. I mean, this guy’s unbelievable…[But] they don’t decide policy.”
You can see Trump’s entire statement and press conference here.