
What’s going on with Sarah Sanders?

If you thought you’ve seen less of Sarah Huckabee Sanders recently, it’s not your imagination. The White House press secretary has been notably absent recently. She hasn’t held a single press briefing since December 18, before the record-setting government shutdown started.

President Trump claims he’s told her not to hold the briefings anymore, tweeting:

“I told her not to bother, the word gets out anyway! Most will never cover us fairly & hence, the term, Fake News!”

She claims she’s still accessible to members of the media, though a Washington Examiner survey found that Huckabee Sanders presided over fewer news conferences than any of her predecessors since the briefings were televised in 1995.

Part of why we’re hearing less from Huckabee Sanders is because Trump himself is taking more questions. President Trump has directly fielded more media questions than any president since Bill Clinton.

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