Seventh Generation Rancher Explains Why America Needs A Border Wall
Seventh generation rancher Ruperto Escobar of Texas explained why America needs a southern border wall and said he’d give up his land to help start construction.
“The problem there right now is primarily drug trafficking,” he said Wednesday on “Fox & Friends.”
“I’ve lived there 75 years and let me tell you, I’ve seen everything happen there. Right now I must access the river because I have a pumping site. And I have good, workable road to the river. And you ought to see the amount of traffic that happens primarily going back towards the river. People that get caught with their vehicles full of drugs and then they speed back toward the river at very high velocity, past my house. A whole slew of police after them.”
Co-host Steve Doocy asked Escobar what he would say to Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi about her claim that the wall is immoral and Escobar said he’d draw on life experience and tell her to start building.
“I’d say ma’am, I don’t know where you get your facts but from what we have endured, my lifetime, which is about 75 years now, of seeing the number of illegals coming across here, trampling over our fences, the drug dealers tearing down our gates, that is immoral,” he replied. “And we’re tired of it. We need that wall.”
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