Editorial Cartoons

Beto and Biden-Head 2020 – Grrr Graphics – Ben Garrison Cartoon

The Democrats could be considering a fresh face for the 2020 presidential run. Joe Biden is not that fresh face.

If elected, he would be 78 years old, by far the oldest president to take office. However, he did top an Iowa poll of possible Democratic presidential candidates. Beto O’ Rourke, who lost to Ted Cruz in their Texas Senate race, also did well in the poll. I’ve already been seeing rumblings of a Biden/Beto ticket. T-shirts have already been printed.

Creepy Uncle Joe is well known for groping and smooching on young girls. Paul Joseph Watson has a compilation on YouTube.

Beto O’Rourke, is well known for espousing socialist policies and spending over 70 million to lose a Senate race.

If these two team up for a presidential run, there won’t be a shortage of cartoon ideas.

—Ben Garrison

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